Recent content by Carsten Beumelburg

  1. Carsten Beumelburg

    GUI of IOS 7 is very dissapointing

    You don't sound like somebody who is capable of constructive responses!
  2. Carsten Beumelburg

    iOS 7 , who designed this mess?

    I agree with you! The interface isn't great. It does look very flat. -Kind of like a "50 look". The music player has changed for the worse. Battery life has gone down also. However, I am talking about the interface look and not of the functionality. I don't care if 30 Million viewers disagree...
  3. Carsten Beumelburg

    GUI of IOS 7 is very dissapointing

    I am going to be very straight with you! This iOS 7 look like Android flat look GUI is absolutely terrible! With this you lost your "Apple Magic"!!! I used to be a very loyal Microsoft Window user until Window 8 came out. I was so disgusted with the interface that I decided to give Apple a...