Best iPhone apps for cool single traveler

Fannic Yin

Active member
Nov 6, 2013
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Life is complicated. Yet, many people consider travel comes much much more! It is never easy to manage a vacation in the way you actually think. Time management, budget, collaboration, itinerary planning.. Wow, mass and mess, seems never an end. Since all these concepts might go against the excitement of a trip. Now you may start worrying about what’s the point of travel. Haha, sure the answer should be varied from different people. Anyway, it is part of our life that we could never deny. So learning how to well organize a trip is definitely an important class to us 21st cool tech traveler.


Are you ready?


If early bird doesn’t make sense to any of your vacation plan and you have every single reason to be a late bird to order last minute ticket, KAYAK is the app you ever need! Multiple-location function provides up to 6 destination per trip. Plus, on filter session, you could select your flight duration preference, favorite airline, price, etc. (well.. I know you are on budget though. However, free snack and entertainment would still do big favor to make good beginning of a trip! Isn’t it. lol)

Check out ‘packing list’ and ‘airline info’ those two sessions. Sure will be pretty cool to those people who just kick-off their personal travel journal.


2) Airbnb

I don’t know about you. But speaking of myself, hotel is just never a part of my vacation plan. When you go traveling, you are not looking for 5th avenue in countryside, and you know that is real and reasonable. So what is the missing mysteries! Let’s grab a local to tell you a true story. But how? Airbnb is here to save your ***. 80% host on Airbnb (in my experience) are nice and well-educated. It is a more friendly and special way to feel home wherever you go. When people travel, nothing is better than asking question to the right person. So, what more I can say!

BTW, I like Airbnb Verified ID and swift mapping functions the most! Especially every time when I try make a last-minute order, knowing your host is trustful somehow would mainly release my stress.


3) Eventbrite

When you arrive at a new place, it would be nice to align your travel plan to some seasonal events, right? In that case, you might like Eventbrite. There are 8 sorts in category from Music festivals to Business networkings, Ongoing Classes to Fundraising Events. Offer you a chance to dive deep down to the core native culture and feel the sparkling passion pops up at the next corner. Plenties of good deals out there. You could either choose to go blonde on stage in a cool DJ club nearby or to pick anything free (Give me applause. Thx!) looks good and go. Don’t forget the attitude: L.O.L.O. & Y.O.Y.O.

One step further, plug yourself in with your Facebook network. Friends might traveling at the same place as you do. World is small. You never know! ;)


4) Yelp

Food!!! Thx God. Finally. Although I understand you might be a bit more easy-going with what you gonna eat on vacation, you won’t discover any flossy landscape when stomach remains empty. With whatever budget you have, Yelp could always come up with amazing solutions. Even if you don’t know much about local food, answer is never too far! Tons of reviews are located at the bottom of each dining spot page presented by native food ninjas. Eating like a local is no longer a dream!

Make sure you read those top reviews to each dining spot you wanna go. Chance to unlock the seasonal secret menu will be never expired and it will be cool to request as a tourist. Man up! Gal up! Let’s stay hungery. And here we go.


5) MoWeather

10 days weather forecast sucks? Alright. MoWeather is doing the 15-day one and I’m lovin’ it. When I was in school, almost every break lasted half month and I spent all those time on exploring. Can you imagine that when you have couple destinations on list ready to check out, even they show on map are not far from each other but the climatic features are totally different! W T H! Especially when all you wanna carry is a backpack. Hell yea, I know, it is the pain of ***. To be frank, I quite appreciate to MoWeather! Besides, I fall for its Real View function. Checking out the latest weather via the pictures people take, it is sort of a recall to a belonging shown you have ever been there. And send your seasonal greeting to your friends out there btw.

Just a quick remind, when uploading the weather moment you captured, weather info is available to attach on your post. Facebook, check! Twitter, check!


6) Evernote Hello

Have you ever thought about connecting friends you made on vacation and get them aboard to your life? Please do! Cuz we all know travel is not instant noodle ****. Couldn’t be more excited to make cross-culture share and keep joyful life extended! Opening eyes and learning diversity is the key to cure the confusion and stress you got normally everyday from work. It is exactly the way to pour the positive energy back to your work place and truly make everyday networking more credible cheerful colorful.

Name, phone number and email are all you need to type in. Then Evernote Hello will figure out the rest parts for you! It is a powerful useful networking collaborating hub you never experienced before. Just try it!


7) Tinder

There you go. As an adult, we would better to know this app. Yes, it is a FREE dating app and work incredibly functional! Swipe to the right if you like the person. To the left if you don’t. Tinder shows the matches based on common interest, friends you both have and distance in between. So technology might help you to meet THE ONE during travel! Okay. I kinda hear some different voices. I just wanna say everyone rules his own journal. With my philosophy I stay open to opportunities. As long as destiny doesn’t shut door to us, we have enough evidences to believe beautiful love story would not only exist in pocket books or theatre. What if on vacation? Just making yours more romanic. That’s it!

Attention: You gotta have a Facebook account to get access to the app though. Don’t worry! They promised not to post anything on your Facebook. :p


How I pick?
100% base on my personal travel experience. (Well, I haven’t started using tinder in my travel before though lol) What’s more, for all these wonderful apps I could ever come up with to this topic, I actually got recommended by friends loved traveling and go much more pro than I do. On the other hand, I’m sure nowadays each travel lover theoretically potentially has been doing App Ninja or freelance App tester for a while. I DO believe you guys might have a lot more lovely insights to share under this topic. Feel free!
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2012
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I'd add foursquare to that list and waze if renting a car. Both based on people reviews, recommendations, tips etc.

Fannic Yin

Active member
Nov 6, 2013
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Yes, definitely! Waze is required if renting a car, I use it everyday even not on travel. Both Yelp and foursquare are my recommendation, but the comments on yelp is more convenient for searching a low-cost restaurant and so on.

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