Fulfill your dreams with goalGetter


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Oct 1, 2011
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goalGetter was designed to help people visualize the importance of saving and planning appropriately to achieve their lifetime financial goals.

goalGetter is a free iPad app that was designed to help people visualize the importance of savings and planning appropriately to achieve their lifetime financial goals. Those goals may include taking a dream vacation, starting your own business, or driving a new luxury vehicle. goalGetter will calculate how much savings is needed to achieve all your future dreams and puts a realistic target amount on the costs. With this app, you can dream big and realize how all the things you want out of life are actually achievable.

- itunes.apple.com/us/app/goalgetter-financial-goal/id465208727?ls=1&mt=8
- advisorsoftware.com/products/goalgetter.asp
- finance.yahoo.com/news/Advisor-Software-Releases-prnews-2385831150.html;_ylt=Ao7nQ1fYHz4RD3vgPJM_dF6scq9_;_ylu=X3oDMTFlNHQ1OTZnBHBvcwM2OQRzZWMDbmV3c0h1YkFydGljbGVMaXN0BHNsawNhZHZpc29yc29mdHc-?x=0