iPokerChips, virtual poker chips on your iPhone


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Nov 26, 2010
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Hey there,
My virtual poker chips application has gone free on iPhone, so please download it if you are interested!

I'm also looking for feedbacks so don't hesitate to write something here, I'm trying to prioritize the dev for updates.

There's also an iPad version, with a dedicated interface, but it's still paying (but it's more comfy for those who have an ipad). It'll be free soon as well.

Here is a bunch of links and stuff about the app. Thanks in advance for your feedbacks!

iPokerChips is a set of virtual poker chips that allow you to play Texas Hold'Em with your friends anytime, anywhere. iPokerChips allows you to play poker in situations where it would have been difficult with traditional poker chips: on a train or bus, at the beach, camping, in a bar... as long as you have friends and cards, you can play poker.

iPokerChips supports from 2 to 10 players, allows each player to choose an avatar and will even count the pot. Ease of use has been a particular focus of the development team, making it intuitive for novice players to handle the chips and complex cases like side pots. Advanced poker players will appreciate having a detailed profile that is determined through an analysis of their playing style and stats. And keep in mind that your iPhone will always be infinitely lighter than a briefcase full of chips!

For more information visit ipoker-chips.com.

Trailer : The Awesome iPokerChips Trailer :D

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