New Apps - Poke My Voodoo and Poke My Voodoo Lite

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Feb 9, 2010
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We just released our premier app... Here's the pitch:

Not yo? gramomma?s voodoo doll!

Try angst ridden teen bent on getting even with her nemesis cheerleading captain by hexing her with pimples exploding with green puss. Or maybe BFF?s wishing luck and love by using charms of hearts and four-leaf clovers. Yeah, that?s more like it.

Cute, creepy and funny? Welcome to Poke My Voodoo. Create the doll that best represents you, your friend, a teacher, parent or anyone and enjoy voodoo-ing with our assortment of charms and hexes.

We have created it for the iPhone and Android. We have a lite and a full version? and to sweeten the pot, we are offering one dollar off from 02/15 to 03/15, after which the price returns to $1.99 with an update.

So, whodoyou voodoo?

App Download url (app store link): itms://

Website url : Poke My Voodoo - Grasshorse Mobile

If you are a reviewer, we have promo codes.

Check it out and let us know what you think! Thanks!