Size Dilemma


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Dec 6, 2016
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Have you considered trying the iPhone 7 with a smart battery case?

I can totally get how you feel. I have heard the same about battery life too and it and seems like doing that would nip that concern. On it's own, it isn't much to write home about.

I also have an SE and I'm jumping up to the 7 for better connectivity. I also have the battery case coming with so it should be fine. I doubt that the SE will be updated this year. It's up to you of course.

I used the SE, 7, and 7 Plus and I have to say the 7 with the Apple Smart Case has been best for me. SE is great but feels quite slow with TouchID version 1. The Smart Case adds 2650mAh so it actually gives more usage than the 7 Plus. To the OP...I'd say go with the 7 and Smart Battery Case.


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May 24, 2014
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Thanks all for your help. Although I was very tempted by the red 7 128gb, I opted for a 128gb SE in space grey.

If the next release is amazing, I'll upgrade to that, if not, I'll get the 7 at discount then and this SE will make a great first phone for my son this Christmas!

It's always a double edge sward when it comes to having options. It's nice to not be bound to only 1 option but then you have to decide which one to go for.

Looks like you made the right decision going for the SE, especially if you are thinking about giving it away for a Christmas present. I know the trend at the moment is making devices bigger and bigger but I love the size of the SE, it's just perfect for me.


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Oct 15, 2013
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I have also traded in my SE for a 7 with the Apple battery case, actually 2 of them so that I'm never having to tether to the wall to charge my phone. It is definitely heavier but it does feel pretty good in the hand


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Feb 20, 2016
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Yes. It may vary by the user experience but I read and text mostly. I rarely play game or watch videos though. I can't comment on the 7 plus because I never had it. IPhone 7 with smart battery is very good. Much better than when I had 6s plus but it's no longer light weight.

Ooh okay, I see. That's a true point about the weight though.

I used the SE, 7, and 7 Plus and I have to say the 7 with the Apple Smart Case has been best for me. SE is great but feels quite slow with TouchID version 1. The Smart Case adds 2650mAh so it actually gives more usage than the 7 Plus. To the OP...I'd say go with the 7 and Smart Battery Case.

Ooh okay, thanks for this viewpoint. That's good to know.

I have also traded in my SE for a 7 with the Apple battery case, actually 2 of them so that I'm never having to tether to the wall to charge my phone. It is definitely heavier but it does feel pretty good in the hand

Ooh you're smart to have 2 of them! How is that going for you? I just jumped the train yesterday night. It is heavier but if I get nice battery life gains like @PhoneDr says, I will be just fine.


Mar 27, 2015
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I have several friends who went back to the iPhone SE because of the forum factor. It fits perfectly in their hand and screen size is not an issue for them.

For myself, at 61 I need all the screen size I can get for reading emails and accessing websites with my device. But that's me and everyone has different needs.

That's why I always suggest that folks go to a store that has the product they are considering and get one in your hands and play with it before making your decision to buy one.


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Oct 17, 2013
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I too have the size dilemma; the SE/5s is the best design IMHO... But it has caveats. I am weary of the S plus size, and purchased a 7 on launch day when I was in Canada (vacation) and used it for two weeks with no issue because my S Plus was having a roaming issue (non US person here) coming back home and heading out to work it did its job, bit the battery life was horrendous.

I switched back to the S Plus and packed away the 7; I then decided to upgrade my wife's SE and gave her the 7, yay for me I have the form factor that I like... But then I'd be doing something and wish I had the S Plus .... Yeah it's first world problems (even though I'm in a third world country)
@libra89 so no more SE for you ? I remember you were a big advocate of the SE when it was released.

Now the 7 is a great compromise, but with my usage I getting better battery life out of the SE than the 7, and of course the S Plus wins the battery "war" overall; just cumbersome at times


Mar 2, 2016
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While it can be incredibly confusing t's great that there are so many varying options, because we all have different needs and preferences. I do agree that before making any decision and committing, that it would be best to go to a store where you can compare all models and see how they feel to you. I've currently got a 6s, which I love. I never thought I'd consider a plus size, because my hands are small. My husband recently got a 6 plus through his office, and I'm surprised to find that I kind of like the plus. I'll have to play with it a lot more before I decide on my next model.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2016
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I too have the size dilemma; the SE/5s is the best design IMHO... But it has caveats. I am weary of the S plus size, and purchased a 7 on launch day when I was in Canada (vacation) and used it for two weeks with no issue because my S Plus was having a roaming issue (non US person here) coming back home and heading out to work it did its job, bit the battery life was horrendous.

I switched back to the S Plus and packed away the 7; I then decided to upgrade my wife's SE and gave her the 7, yay for me I have the form factor that I like... But then I'd be doing something and wish I had the S Plus .... Yeah it's first world problems (even though I'm in a third world country)
@libra89 so no more SE for you ? I remember you were a big advocate of the SE when it was released.

Now the 7 is a great compromise, but with my usage I getting better battery life out of the SE than the 7, and of course the S Plus wins the battery "war" overall; just cumbersome at times

I totally agree about the design of the SE/5S. Wow, that sucks that the battery life was bad.

Haha yes it is an interesting problem but I get it, considering that we all have our phones with us pretty much all the time so how we feel, battery life and whatever else matters. It's a hard choice.

You're right, I was/am. I love the size of the SE. I just got this iPhone 7 w/ battery case last night. I'm going to give it a week and see how I feel. Honestly, the only reason why I have even considered the iPhone 7 is because of work. Long story short, downloading anything at work on the SE sucks, because the location is kind of hard for connectivity. I have the Pixel and I can literally download anything. The radios are better in the Pixel so I wanted to try the iPhone with similar ones.

Is your SE on iOS 10?

One handed usage is just not the same on the iPhone 7. It's workable but that's probably because of the battery case, lol.


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Oct 17, 2013
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Wth the exception of my wife's 7 which is iOS 10, the 6S Plus and SE is on public beta. The 7 is a one handed device ... For me at least but the battery life is left to be desired, I did consider a battery case but then the weight and size is going back into plus category


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2016
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Wth the exception of my wife's 7 which is iOS 10, the 6S Plus and SE is on public beta. The 7 is a one handed device ... For me at least but the battery life is left to be desired, I did consider a battery case but then the weight and size is going back into plus category

Yeah, I can see why you said that. I would say that it feels like a plus but I have never felt a plus LOL. I was curious to know but I happened to find a nice deal for one for a battery case, so I'm here.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2016
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Wth the exception of my wife's 7 which is iOS 10, the 6S Plus and SE is on public beta. The 7 is a one handed device ... For me at least but the battery life is left to be desired, I did consider a battery case but then the weight and size is going back into plus category

Yeah, I can see why you said that. I would say that it feels like a plus but I have never felt a plus LOL. I was curious to know but I happened to find a nice deal for one for a battery case, so I'm here.


Trusted Member
Oct 17, 2013
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Well good luck, keep us informed on if you stay... And I'm typing this on my S Plus while looking at the SE.... It's crying out for use.


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Jan 24, 2017
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Reminds me about Archie Bunker's description of an hermaphrodite: "A little too much of both and not enough of neither." That's a phablet. Besides, you bring the SE up so your nose rests on the screen, you have a 7 Plus.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2017
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Hi All,

I recently returned my SE and bought a 7 plus. Although I love the screen and 3D Touch, I'm not sure I'll adjust to the size, I'm on day 13 of my 14 day return period.

(bear in mind, have to justify to the Mrs too, not just myself).

Thanks for reading and any opinions you care to offer.

Take back the 7, take the SE, take the wife out to Chez Panisse with your change, and live happily ever after.

King, this case is closed.

Paul Ellis1

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Take back the 7, take the SE, take the wife out to Chez Panisse with your change, and live happily ever after.

King, this case is closed.

That's what I did.......Almost! The £££ I got back has gone towards the other love of my life, fixing up my old 1989 205 gti

Paul Ellis1

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Now that's something worth having

I've had it nearly 15 years but been parked up for nearly 8. Hopefully shouldn't need much doing to make it roadworthy again. Shooting up in value last couple of years, may need it to fund my phone habit!

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