Why is my iPhone stuck on the Apple screen?


iMore Question

Why is my iPhone stuck on apple screen.

Ok. So I have a jailbroken iPhone 5S with iOS 8.4. Before my problem occured, I had recently gotten a tweak with winterboard and resprang it. When I rebooted my device it was stuck on the black apple with a blue background. (the blue background was due to a tweak called beacon.) Now you might be thinking this is normal and I need to reboot it. This has happened before and i fixed it by messing around and holding buttons and trying to turn it off and back on. BUT, I can see my top bar with the apple logo. I see my carrier and battery status! It even looks different due to the new tweak! Its even still responsive! I plugged in apple earpods and pressed the play button on the headphones and my music started to play! So Im really confused, and frustrated. As I mentioned, Ive seen and fixed this before, but this time ive tried fiddling with it for a while and nothing has changed. I would be beyond greatful if somebody could help me resolve this issue.


Feb 20, 2014
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Re: Why is my iPhone stuck on apple screen.

Delete the last tweak you installed or undo your last action you performed in Cydia.