Switched to iPhone 5


Nov 15, 2010
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Just over a week ago I switched to an iPhone 5 from my Galaxy Note II. Now I have been an Android user since the HTC Hero. I did dabble with a 4S on Sprint but being stuck on 3G after having a 4G phone was annoying. I got rid of the 4S and settled on a Galaxy S II. The only reason I got rid of the 4S was the data speeds. Other than that, the 4S was a well built phone that did a lot of what I asked it to do. So this past Christmas I received a Mac Mini and I got myself a Note II thinking that it would be the greatest phone ever made. It is a damn good phone. Sorry, let me rephrase that. It's a damn good phone filled with chocolate cream and bad assery. I loved it. I am in in IT and the stylus made taking notes on issues very easy. I had it for about a month and half and I started to realize using it with my Mac is a bit of a pain since I needed that Android app to see the file system on it. I could pull out my laptop every time I needed to access the phone but you know, that's an extra step.

With the Note II I switched to Verizon so I have LTE in my city. I thought about it a lot and I decided to give an iPhone 5 a chance. My wife is Apple all the way. She has her iMac, MacBook, iPad 4, and iPhone 5. She has been trying to convert me since day one. I played with her iPhone for a bit. The phone feels nice although a little light. It was weird looking at a 4" screen instead of a 5.5" screen, but it was very sharp. I traded my Note II for a white iPhone 5. I love that little thing. I do have it jailbroken so I can have a 5 icon dock, Chrome as default browser, and a few other tweaks.

I have one regret and one regret only. I think 16gig might not be enough, but I can always sell this one and get a 32 iPhone 5s or 6 at the refresh.


Feb 14, 2013
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will you tell us if the iphone 5 battery life is on par with the galaxy note 2?
I had the note 2 for a month and I could do like 8h screen time on two working days, it seems the iphone 5 has an outstanding battery life either like 9h of usage.


Nov 15, 2010
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The iPhone 5 doesn't have battery life anywhere near the Note II. The lowest battery ever was at the end of the day with the Note II was 30%. I can go all day on a charge with the iPhone 5 as long as my signal holds out at work. My signal at work is low so my phone burns a little bit of battery hunting for signal. last night I think I put my phone on the charger and I was under 10%. I also play games while installing software at work.


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Feb 26, 2013
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I was think about putting my note ll on eBay. But I'm not sure. :( I went from sg3 to iPhone 5 to the note ll I LOVE THE NOTE ll but there are some apps that I'm missing from the iPhone that android doesn't have like letterpress, gesundheit lol, trivie to name a few decisions decisions. Idk what to do :(


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Dec 3, 2012
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^^If you aren't going to be happy without those apps, get the 5. I had the Note 2 and agree it is awesome, but the movie and TV show selection was, for me, horrible. I'm a huge fan of movie & TV, so that was what one of the critical issues that brought me back to IOS.


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Dec 23, 2012
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The note probably has awesome battery life cuz it has a tablet battery in it. Lol. I have played with a note 2 that was the personal phone of the guy who helped me at frys electronics. Side note; when I asked the frys sales rep how he like android he asked me "what's android"? Which seems to sum up the tech "expertise" of most of the frys electronics employees by my house. But after playing with it I soon realized two things about the galaxy note 2.... First: whenever "I love 2013" the vh1 special comes out I'm sure ppl are gonna laugh how big they were the way big home satellites in the mid 90's were lol and... Second: at that point in the screen size game if you owned a tablet it would just seem redundant to me IMHO.


Nov 15, 2010
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I got rid of my tablet when I got the Note II since I thought it was going to be my everything device. It was for a while. Now that I am on an iPhone I need something that I can use to read my books. I have a few certs I have to study for. I am going out after work today and I will be picking up an e-reader so I can do that. I will at some point later on get a new tablet. Possibly a Nexus 7 or the follow-up device.


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Dec 3, 2012
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If the Note 2 doesn't have the apps you want, once the novelty of the device wears off, then you'll really regret it.


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Dec 3, 2012
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And IOS always get the best apps first. I've been using the Amazon Instant Video app since Dec 2012, and it's STILL not available in Google Play. You have to go with the phone/OS that meets your needs and wants, my big thing is movies and TV, and iTunes and Amazon can't be beat. The Note 2 is very good, but the 5.5" screen is worthless to me because the video content wasn't there. Really consider how bad you want the particular apps, that'll help you to decide which phone best suits your needs/wants.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2013
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And IOS always get the best apps first. I've been using the Amazon Instant Video app since Dec 2012, and it's STILL not available in Google Play. You have to go with the phone/OS that meets your needs and wants, my big thing is movies and TV, and iTunes and Amazon can't be beat. The Note 2 is very good, but the 5.5" screen is worthless to me because the video content wasn't there. Really consider how bad you want the particular apps, that'll help you to decide which phone best suits your needs/wants.

Yes they always get the best apps first. Who knows when android will get the apps I want. Could take months or maybe never. Lol


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Dec 3, 2012
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Exactly. If the Note 2 had the apps that are important to you RIGHT NOW, or there was a resonable time frame that Google Play would offer them, it would be worth it to wait. Problem is, that time might never happen. Go with the 5, if in the future the Note 2, or Note 3, has the apps you want, then you can go back.


Nov 15, 2010
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The app I wanted that Android doesn't have is Flick Homerun. That is my go to game when I am bored or need to kill a little bit of time. i have played it so much in the past week. It's not a deciding factor on what phone I have, but it feels great to play it again. I did play my emulators on my Note II all the time. I am trying to figure out how to get my Earthbound save on my iPhone.


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Jan 25, 2013
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It doesn't appear as if you have a question you need assistance with. I have a 16 gb phone as well, and would love to have a 64 gb phone. Having said that, I just don't have the time to use EVERY app I've loaded onto my phone; I actually don't even have enough time to use HALF of the apps I've loaded onto my phone.

I guess I'm just hoarding apps; many seem to function as customized bookmarks for websites. And most every game exploits the gyroscopic effect and/or swipe feature, so most every game feels the same in terms of interaction with the phone and screen regardless of the theme (a basketball game and temple run almost feel like the same game as a result, despite radically different themes).

Just over a week ago I switched to an iPhone 5 from my Galaxy Note II. Now I have been an Android user since the HTC Hero. I did dabble with a 4S on Sprint but being stuck on 3G after having a 4G phone was annoying. I got rid of the 4S and settled on a Galaxy S II. The only reason I got rid of the 4S was the data speeds. Other than that, the 4S was a well built phone that did a lot of what I asked it to do. So this past Christmas I received a Mac Mini and I got myself a Note II thinking that it would be the greatest phone ever made. It is a damn good phone. Sorry, let me rephrase that. It's a damn good phone filled with chocolate cream and bad assery. I loved it. I am in in IT and the stylus made taking notes on issues very easy. I had it for about a month and half and I started to realize using it with my Mac is a bit of a pain since I needed that Android app to see the file system on it. I could pull out my laptop every time I needed to access the phone but you know, that's an extra step.

With the Note II I switched to Verizon so I have LTE in my city. I thought about it a lot and I decided to give an iPhone 5 a chance. My wife is Apple all the way. She has her iMac, MacBook, iPad 4, and iPhone 5. She has been trying to convert me since day one. I played with her iPhone for a bit. The phone feels nice although a little light. It was weird looking at a 4" screen instead of a 5.5" screen, but it was very sharp. I traded my Note II for a white iPhone 5. I love that little thing. I do have it jailbroken so I can have a 5 icon dock, Chrome as default browser, and a few other tweaks.

I have one regret and one regret only. I think 16gig might not be enough, but I can always sell this one and get a 32 iPhone 5s or 6 at the refresh.

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