Buyers Remorse....Or something else...


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Jun 14, 2012
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Probably a long rambling post so I appologize.

I've had a Droid X since the begining. My first move from Winodws 6.x to Android. Its been a mostly good phone, but its showing its age now and its time to move to LTE and get with the program. Motorola's / Verizons lack of updates irratates me, and I've been putting off upgrading until I saw what Apple had to offer this year. To no ones surprise, it was LTE equipped - so I jumped at the change and pre-ordered (should be here tomorrow 9/21).

However in the past week I've been less excited than I *should* be. While I don't use maps all that much, the fact that the new maps are worse than the old map (google data) its a little discouraging. I'm not sure if I'm suffering from some weird buyers remorse, worries of the "unknown" or what. I'm torn, I don't want to dislike a new phone before I even get to hold it in my hands.

My wife has a iPhone 4, and she loves her phone and most people I know who have iPhones really like them. Most of my friends are on 'droid devices which I like, and I know will give me unrelenting crap about switching. Not that I care what they say, most of them are followers anyway.

For me the big +'s are:
Better apps
Damn good looking hardware
Good Camera w/great features
The ecosystem - even though I don't have many Apple products.

-'s are:
Closed system
Maps (not a big user, but still)
no widgets
no seemless integration with google products. ( I use gmail, Google+, and drive a lot)

I'm I lost? I thought maybe the iOS forums won't bash me for swapping devices - so I come to you guys/gals for some help.


Sep 18, 2011
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I went from the Droidx to the iPhone 4 last year. Don't miss the widgets at all, loving the fact that the iPhone just works. Don't worry about the maps there are better choices in the app store then the built in maps.

Google should be bringing their maps to ios shortly. Personally I prefer Motionx gps drive to google maps on the iPhone 4 anyway. It just works better for me.

I say give it a chance. The best part of Apple devices is that they hold their value. If you really don't like it you can resell and probably get a Galaxy S3 for only a little extra.


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Oct 6, 2011
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Well i use an android as my daily driver and it works well for me. I love the lte in my area btw. As for your concerns i know there is a google+ and a drive app for ios. Not sure how well it works, and i actually am an active user of both. AS far as maps not its not as good as google maps in certain areas but it works but that all depends on how much you use the turn by turn. I find it handy when it gets me out of certain situations and i am driving in an area i dont know. Not sure if ios6 maps is as accurate but from an article i just read its not. I am sure google will release an app but as to what the app will be in terms of use i have no idea. I dout it will have turn by turn. As for the closed iOS environment i dont care really. I never rooted my droid phone anyway. Widgets...yeah widgets are awesome actually. I do kinda like my beautiful widgets app. I do think you can synce most of your google data to the phone from the email settings and that includes contacts and calenders as well. But someone should double check that for me.


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Jun 14, 2012
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From what I've heard (and a poster here said) that "it just works" and I like that, becuase there have been times I've wanted to throw my phone for not working.


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Jul 12, 2012
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Value really is your best asset... It will not be hard for you to sell your iP5 for enough dollars to get a GSIII on the aftermarket. You might easily get more money. And of course, the aftermarket of a device that's been out three months like the GSIII is more rare, but it's there, and on the other hand it's kinda reliable, you can pretty much bet that people who are selling it simply don't like it, but that it'll work fine and still be under warranty. So take the plunge, try everything out, and if it doesn't work your way, sell.


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Sep 11, 2012
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I'm in the same boat, the ole droid x is being put out to pasture and the iphone is coming tomorrow. I'm more excited to just have a new phone and lte. You may want to look into jailbreaking also of you haven't, interesting possibilities and reverseable which is cool


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Apr 28, 2009
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I've found myself laughing a lot today when I noticed that 98% of the complaints about iOS 6 focus on Apple maps. (The other 2% are aimed at Passbook.)

I never used Google Maps. It was worthless. If you want turn by turn navigation you get TomTom, or one of the many other excellent apps available. Apple Maps offer turn by turn, so in a way that makes it better - however, it doesn't work well, so you're no worse off than you were. I've used TomTom for years on my iPhones and will continue to do so. Don't let Maps make up your mind.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
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If you set up your gmail through exchange on the iphone all your contacts associated as well as calendar will automatically be synced- I had the droid x before the iphone and will never look back...


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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I've found myself laughing a lot today when I noticed that 98% of the complaints about iOS 6 focus on Apple maps. (The other 2% are aimed at Passbook.)

I never used Google Maps. It was worthless. If you want turn by turn navigation you get TomTom, or one of the many other excellent apps available. Apple Maps offer turn by turn, so in a way that makes it better - however, it doesn't work well, so you're no worse off than you were. I've used TomTom for years on my iPhones and will continue to do so. Don't let Maps make up your mind.

Dittos Alli. But I favor Navigon to TomTom. :D
Last edited:


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Mar 23, 2011
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I actually like android because I do like to mess around and change things up. I left BlackBerry when the original Droid came out. I'm on Verizon so iPhone was not an option as I was not interested in switching to AT&T. I loved the Droid and kept it until the iPhone came to Verizon and decided to give that a try. I was blown away by how easy everything "just worked". The apps were better and everything was so smooth. I felt like I was getting bored so I went and bounced around a couple android phones and even a BlackBerry. I kept coming back to my iPhone 4 though. Even recently I tried the Galaxy S3. It's a great phone, but I switched back to my iPhone 4. I have to be productive all day. The iPhone helps me do that better than anything else. No widgets or customizing screens could replace the easy of use of the apps on iPhone.

So after all that I guess my point is that if you are looking for a phone that is going to be reliable and work for you and with you then you can't go wrong with the iPhone. Due to all my screwing around with other phones I have to wait until November for the iPhone 5, but I am really looking forward to it.


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Nov 19, 2003
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I was a huge fan of Palm Pre, in my eyes one of the best, and most promising OS's I ever experienced. I moved to first iPhone but had incredible problems with ATT in the first 3 months that ATT let me out of my contract and I went to Android. I went to iPhone 4 with Verizon and I will tell you.

That there is some customization that I missed but overall I loved the iPhone. It is rock solid, stable and fun. The camera is very good (I am a pro photog/videog ) and quick.

I was never a google maps fan, I needed turn by turn so I bought Navigon years ago, and have used it extensively here in US, and all over Europe. Navigon was better than when Garmin bought them and changed it, but has since improved immensely.

I am thrilled by getting the iPhone 5, and no it isn't drastic steps up but it is going to work, and work solidly. And you are never going to get the App/Mac/PC integration that are so solid and diverse.
I would try it for two weeks and make a decision. I think you will be happy.


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Sep 2, 2011
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It's too soon to tell. If you feel that way after a week or two with the phone, you can always sell it and buy whatever phone you would prefer. ;) You'll find the right fit it might just take a few tries.


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Aug 17, 2011
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Google already submitted a maps app to the app store so unless apple doesn't approve it because it's better than their app, you will have a better map option than the crap apple maps until they have more time to fix it which could take years.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
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Don't forget that the jailbreak option exists. If you love the iPhone but really only miss the customization and widgets, don't worry, sometime around Christmas iOS 6 will certainly be jailbroken. Then you'll be able to do much more than what you could possibly hope!


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
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I wil bet the house that you won't have buyers remorse after 2 weeks of owning it. And I've been using Apples new mapping app for a month+ and it has been 98% perfect. It did a few screwy things, but you know what, once upon a time people lived without friggin GPS and turn by turn directions. You'll freakin live. People just live to complain and they finally have something to legitimately gripe about Apple. It will get batter. But in the meantime if you have to fall back on something else there is, Waze, MapQuest, GPS by TeleNav, MotionX GPS, and others. And soon Google app for iPhone. And they are ALL free. YOU WILL NOT regret owning an iPhone 5.

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