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Are you happy with your iPhone 5 purchase?

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Aug 17, 2011
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The phone is nice that is for sure, but with using so many phones especially higher end phones, they all feel almost the same in terms of fluidity and quickeness. I like the smaller size of the phone and the screen is really nice compared to a lot of phones, but if you come from a 4s or other newer device it's not going to be a huge change from the old device. Overall it feels very solid and I am enjoying the phone with no issues.


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May 15, 2010
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Coming from a 3GS to iPhone 5 is like going from a Model T to a BMW. This is just insane. I feel like my text messages are sent before I actually hit Send. Apps open so fast that I don't even know what button to tap next because I hadn't moved on to that step in my head.

And the My old phone feels like a cement block. Well done, Apple.


Aug 19, 2011
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my the last 2 years Id probably owned every major smartphone out from the 4s to the Galaxy Nexus...had the Galaxy s3...and now..the iPhone 5. Its light yet still maintains its solid feel! The speed is lovely....moving between apps is smooth and fluid as ever! LTE....nuff said there...The Black ip 5 is sooo damn sexy!!! its utterly HAVE to check it out in stores or wherever! The speakers on this device are banging...better than the 4s and those were pretty damn good! The display is of if not the best on the market today. its 4inches yet to me it still feels like its 3.5....I dont really know how to explain it....but it works! Having the extra row of icons is great! Siri seems to be faster and accurate as ever! Maps is ok..Turn by Turn works as it should...All in All...this is truly the best iPhone ever! oooo and the new Earpods......Definitely Good to go!!!!


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Jul 27, 2009
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I'm a little over 24 hours in so I thought I'd share my thoughts. I upgraded from the 4S to the 5, both phones on AT&T.

* LTE is wicked fast. Multiple speed tests show it well exceeds the "4G" (HSPA +), almost as fast as my wi-fi. Speeds here in Tampa Bay aren't what they are in other cities, but better than what I had before.
* The weight of the 5 is very surprising. Apple put this thing on a crash diet, and it worked. The handset feels solid and well-built, but it is feather light.
* The 4S had a great display, but the 5's is better. Not drastically so, but enough to notice & make a difference. Impressed.
* Overall speed of the phone (launching apps, Safari page loads, etc.) is wicked.
* The ear pods are a HUGE improvement over the old ear buds.
* I have the black & slate, and my phone (thankfully, luckily) came to me in pristine shape. No imperfections on the finish anywhere. The slate anodized aluminum takes on almost a bluish hue in certain light, which looks awesome. I had a white 4S which I loved, but I like the stealth black & matte slate as much if not more.
* Battery life is great so far. I had zero problems with my 4S and so far the battery on the 5 is the same. I plan to do at least one full discharge/recharge cycle but thus far I'm totally satisfied.
* Size: I really like the extra screen space and the stretched chassis & display. I definitely prefer it to the 4S. I wouldn't mind seeing Apple increase the width by 0.5", but as is I prefer the 5's dimensions to the oversized Android handsets.

I paid extra for an early upgrade and am selling my 4S to help cover the difference, but I'm totally satisfied with the iPhone 5. Despite the many lukewarm responses to the reveal and early reviews, I'm very happy. This is not just a "stretched 4S". Those who say that haven't experienced the 5 in person. Not thoroughly overwhelmed as I was during the upgrade from 3GS to 4S - that was a bigger jump in EVERY single way - but to me the 5 was well worth the time & money. Huge value for the money here, and to the naysayers, all I can say is "haters gonna hate", so go on with your bad selves. :cool:
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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2011
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Sorry to say this

... but I love my iPhone 5 so far. White, 64GB. I love the in-hand feel, so light and that brushed aluminum back sensation is comforting and so Apple. The camera is kick ass (wow^2), and reception and call in/out clarity seems solidly improved. LTE is crazy fast. In fact it is kicking the **** out of my v2 Time Capsule wi-fi. I think I either need some tweaks or a new wi-fi setup. CPU and graphics are furiously responsive, and the screen is wonderful. I don't notice the screen improvements until I grab my wife's iP4 -- she has 1 month before she upgrades. The screen size is OK, meh. I would have liked to see it a touch bigger yet, but I also appreciate the highly mobile device. Overall an amazing piece of hardware with a thoughtful set of tradeoffs.

Battery life ... we'll see. I don't think I'm getting iP4 iOS5 battery life, but when I upgraded the iP4 to iOS6, battery life seemed to take a hit too. Updates ...

iOS6. Nice set of refinements over iOS5. iMessage is quirky, particularly across devices. Shared photo streams are perfect for our family and work needs. We take lots of pics, for lots of purposes. I haven't played much yet with panoramas -- local college football game today will be the 1st test. I am happy to see the app store changes. I've always thought that needed improvements. Things like Facebook integration are more of an about time than thanks for the new feature, but I still appreciate them. Maps is clearly a downgrade, but overall it is OK for my use here. The 3D stuff is fun in the mountains here. But I don't mind saying that a google maps app can't come soon enough. I'm sure more bugs and quirks will pop up as I do more with the phone. They always do.

Now iOS7 ... tick, tick, tick ... Sooner is OK. Dear Apple: I won't mind if you change your release schedule. Seriously, it would be OK sooner, as in how fast can you move? The competition is on overdrive. Your latest hardware is amazing, but you have room to improve on the OS side. Happy for now, but looking forward to the next step.

edit: Forgot about Siri. Coming from the 4, she's new to me. So far I find Siri occasionally useful and surprisingly slow. I didn't expect more but don't mind saying I hoped for more.
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Sep 12, 2012
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Really really enjoy i5. I think it's impossible to tell how fantastic it is via pictures or videos. You simply have to hold it. The form factor is amazing. SO thin and light.

Coming from an i4 (that was desperately starting to lag) the i5 is so fast it makes me smile every time.

Love the product.


Sep 19, 2012
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The phone is nice that is for sure, but with using so many phones especially higher end phones, they all feel almost the same in terms of fluidity and quickeness. I like the smaller size of the phone and the screen is really nice compared to a lot of phones, but if you come from a 4s or other newer device it's not going to be a huge change from the old device. Overall it feels very solid and I am enjoying the phone with no issues.

I know exactly what you mean. I have had a decent number of high end phones in the past year, and I certainly agree that they all start to kinda feel the same. I have ran the gamut from EVO 4G>Nexus S>GSII>iPhone 4s>Galaxy Nexus>EVO 4G LTE>iPhone 5. Had I gone from EVO/Nexus S to iPhone 5 Im sure it would be an amazing jump. But hitting all the stops in between starts to make it run together a bit. Having said that, I thought the One X/EVO 4G LTE was the best phone I have had. The difference going to the iPhone 5 I thought would be more superficial, that hasn't been the case. The iPhone is far more polished and refined, and simply feels better to use than any phone I have had to date.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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Really, mods are moving threads? I'm not likely to hang here if that's the norm.


Specific threads are created for specific subjects around launches of new hardware and new IOS versions... read each forum's sticky threads. If you are not amenable to our host's wishes, you are more than free to exit stage left as fast as your keyboard will facilitate your departure. Adios.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
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Really, mods are moving threads? I'm not likely to hang here if that's the norm.

Just keep here another month or so, and you'll see things another way. Especially at a time like this... And BTW I would not call that the "norm", I even think the mods are putting up with a lot of crap...


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2004
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By far the best iphone ever. I'm pretty sure i'm at the end of the annual upgrade cycle. This phone is that good and fills in what I was holding out for..mainly LTE. I actually bought applecare+ today because I plan on keeping this longer than a year.

It's iOS and ecosystem that need the improvements which obviously Apple is hearing about. I think we'll see an A+ effort on iOS 7 which should make this iphone 5 seem like a new phone again next year.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2011
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I am absolutely loving the iPhone 5, I have to admit when I saw it being released I was a little skeptical as to how much of an upgrade it would be even though I was coming from the iPhone 4. As soon as I unboxed it and began interacting with it I knew that my concerns weren't valid. I cannot believe how light and yet how solid this device feels. The processor speed and 4G are unreal compared to the 4. I also didn't realize how beneficial the extra .5 inch of screen real estate is, it makes a big difference. I am thoroughly happy with my purchase!


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2012
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So far so good! I really don't have anything to complain about! I got the Verizon 32GB black slate & luckily I had no damage on my device or any problems when I unboxed it. Within an hour I had all of my apps, music, & contacts that I wanted on it installed & ready to go! My case that I ordered hasn't come in yet so I'm still going naked. I haven't really used the LTE because I have wifi at home but I notice the speeds! I went somewhere with my friend on Saturday about an hour a way & the new maps got us there with no problems at all! I made a few calls & they are all crisp & clear to this point, no complaints. Siri I'm having a blast with! It's really helpful to have. My only complaint is thatshe sometimes is a little slow & doesn't work right away. This is definitely a keeper!


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
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Holy bunghole the LTE is fast!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

iCloud backup took seconds on the 5 compared to forever (as in 20-30 min) on 4s. Have iPad 3 on Verizon LTE, and speed is underwhelming. Difference between iPad3 and iPhone5 on Verizon LTE is noticeable. when they said the darn chip is fast(er), they weren't kidding. Hail to the chip!


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
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One word: love. I truly feel, see and love the changes from a 4s despite the naysayers saying its nit worth the upgrade. I love how light she is, and the sleekness of it. I am somewhat jealous of my sister's white one seeing it in person but ill tough it out. It's so fast and just works. 105% happy.


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Sep 23, 2012
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Now restoring through Itunes because the battery is draining like crazy. After not reading any complaints about this I'm wondering if it is just my phone. Got about 3 and a half hours of usage and 5 and a half hours of standby. Took about 30 pictures in that time for work but it was down to 20 percent. Any advice is appreciated, hopefully the reset will solve the issue.


Sep 24, 2012
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On Friday morning, I traded in my Droid 2 that has not worked properly in over 2 months for an iPhone 5. (Bought one for the wife too?).

This spring, I bought the new iPad and that was my first apple product ever. However with a very simple user interface, I was able to quickly become comfortable with the layout and processes. I will miss the active widgets but it does not matter too much. I am shocked at how light it is compared to the droid 2, even though it is much larger.

I am still trying to figure out the orientation (portrait to landscape) for when I need to type things as some programs will not let me change. I also noticed several apps that do not use the full screen yet, but it seems that there are a handful of updates every time I check. The lack of a physical keyboard is going to take a while to get used to.

It took a bit of searching, but I found out how to convert MP3?s into ringtones using iTunes. The wife was happy because she was accustomed to hearing her particular ring tone, as am I. This was a feature in Android that we liked.

Battery life is better than expected given how much time I have spent playing with the silly thing.

I would love to find a car mount for this that will let me swivel the screen from portrait to landscape for driving (navigation) purposes as I will be using that feature a lot. I would also like to find a case for it instead of waiting 30 days for the Otterbox to show up. But on the other hand, I don?t want a case because I like the slim appearance of it now.
Took a few tries, but was able to integrate google voice into it.

I still don?t know how to use passbook as information is extremely limited.

I would also like to find a clock/dock for bedside charging, a dock with speakers for the office, and a dock that I can plug into my home theater system for music.


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Apr 29, 2011
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Specific threads are created for specific subjects around launches of new hardware and new IOS versions... read each forum's sticky threads. If you are not amenable to our host's wishes, you are more than free to exit stage left as fast as your keyboard will facilitate your departure. Adios.

Such a lovely post.

Anyway, back on topic, now that I know where to find it.

Wifi is still wonky and battery life is not my expectation, but the screen sensitivity is less of an issue. I think I am adapting. Overall, a great phone. I am quite pleased.

BTW, surface durability of my white phone seems great. So far I have run with it multiple times ( in an arm band), thrown it in a pack to ramble with everything else, and dropped it 2 feet onto tile. It doesn't show any signs of anything. Looks perfect.

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