Most used feature on your iPhone?

What do you use your iPhone mostly for?

  • Browsing the internet

    Votes: 37 31.4%
  • Multimedia functions (iPod/Camera)

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Email/SMS

    Votes: 41 34.7%
  • Phone

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • Games/Apps from the App Store

    Votes: 23 19.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Jul 4, 2008
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I voted Browsing the internet although the correct choice would have been "utilizing iphone news app's". I read the news with AP Mobile News and Sportacular.

I do the exact same thing, on the same apps every night when I go to bed.
Read the news, scroll thru the sports, and usually watch a few video podcasts.


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Mar 19, 2006
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Daily planner & organizer

I just got my iPhone two days ago replacing my blackjack. So far I like it a lot. It does fall slightly short of being a true smartphone, but it's so kick arss, it's easily dismissed and worked around of, with knowledge of better to come.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2003
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What do you find yourself using your iPhone mostly for?

Browsing the net?
Uses it's multimedia functions for music and video?
In the early days of the PC, one was often asked for advice on what kind of a computer to buy or what one might use one for. I always responded to these questions by exploring what applications the questioner did on paper or other media. This provided a context in which to answer the question what one might use the computer for and that provided the context for advising on the computer. Every now and then one would encounter a graphic or musical artist and one could recommend an Apple.

As a twenty year computer user and a ten year Palm user, it is not surprising that I use my iPhone for a wide range of applications but only one or two are novel. In fact as I scan the icons and bookmarks on my iPhone I find that I can put all of them into categories that I once did on paper or other media. These include news gathering, correspondence, reading for entertainment, reading for professional development, making lists, records, and images of people places, engagements and contacts, writing and composition, navigation and travel planning, shopping, commercial and banking transactions, listening to and viewing recordings, and playing games.

As time has passed, I use newspapers, magazines, books, post cards and stationery, 3x5 and tab cards, calendars, photo albums, little black books, maps, schedules, and timetables, catalogs and phone books, checks and statements, board games, and playing cards less, and the computer more. I am currently engaged in converting four linear feet of 33 1/3 vinyl analog recordings to digital so that I can carry them in my pocket. Needless to say I do more of all of these things with more efficiency and satisfaction on my computers than on the traditional media with which they are identified.

While I do all of these things on my iPhone, I find that it is more suited to some applications than others. Obviously it works better for viewing and listening than for composition or recording. It is great for reading e-mail, less so for answering it. Its biggest advantage is in its compact size and spontaneity. I now research questions when they occur to me rather than deferring them or forgetting them. I now carry libraries where I used to carry a book. For some works I have the text, audio-book, movie, and sound-track all on this one little device. Did I forget to say Google, Wikipedia, Amazon, eBay, and PayPal and all that these imply?

However, if you pin me down to what single application consumes most of the minutes when my iPhone is on, it is reading books. Listening to music is second. My twelve year-old great nephew uses his most for games, music, and books in that order.

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Oct 25, 2008
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INTERNET RADIO!!!! I love picking up NPR, BBC, and all those right wing stations! Coast to coast I love hearing what others think 24/7 on flycast!


TiPb Forum Staff
Jul 10, 2008
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Wow...can't believe I missed this thread!

My answer is...F) All of the above!

Ever since my first smartphone, I have tried to use my phone for everything from the basic phone operations (call/text) to being productive for work (email/calendar) to procuring info from the internet.

I voted Games/Apps from the App store since I use an app for:

-RSS reader (Gazette)
-Tasks (Todo)
-Notes (Notebook)
-Music (Pandora/Slacker Radio)
-Weather (Accuweather)
-List management (SplashShopper)
-News (Safari, iGossip, Sportacular, etc.)
-Remote (MyDVR, Apple Remote, boxee - the coolest ever if you use boxee)

So, in conclusion, when Apple says "there's an app for that" they are referring to me.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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This is a hard one. I do so much on my iPhone throughout the day it's hard to tell what I do the most. One I thing I do know, I use the actual phone part by far the least. I have the 450 minute plan, the most I ever used in one month was maybe 200 and it is normally MUCH less (I have 4500+ roll over minutes, and have several hundred expire every month, lol).

I guess I use apps from the AppStore the most. I check news pretty often between USA Today and my RSS reader. Sports scores with Sportacular. Google Mobile I do many voice searches throughout the day. Shazam many times a day to tag songs from Sirius while I listen at work. Wallet so I don't have to remember the dozens of web passwords I have. Facebook to see what my friend's are up too. 1337Pwn to see what friend's are on Xbox LIVE if I want to jump on and play some video games. Listomni for tasks/to-do lists/shopping lists and anything I need to remember. ICanHasCheeseBurger to get my latest LolCatz updates. Magic8Ball to help me with tough questions throughout the day. Washington Metro map to navigate the subway without having to look around people who stand in front of the maps on the train. Finally, and untold number of games throughout the day when ever I have a few minutes to kill.

I text a lot and use email quite a bit but the rest of the native apps I use sparringly. I have too many apps to choose from sometimes.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
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One I thing I do know, I use the actual phone part by far the least. I have the 450 minute plan, the most I ever used in one month was maybe 200 and it is normally MUCH less (I have 4500+ roll over minutes, and have several hundred expire every month, lol).

IMHO, this is one of the reasons why the iPhone continues to sell - most of the users actually don't use the phone much. If you had to depend on the iPhone for the majority of your calls, you would probably be pissed (Ash and those with great coverage not included). I just hope the network and iPhone v3 (or 2,1!) has better reception. I really want the device but I am not paying for 3G if I can't get it!


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2009
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IMHO, this is one of the reasons why the iPhone continues to sell - most of the users actually don't use the phone much. If you had to depend on the iPhone for the majority of your calls, you would probably be pissed (Ash and those with great coverage not included). I just hope the network and iPhone v3 (or 2,1!) has better reception. I really want the device but I am not paying for 3G if I can't get it!

Where are you from? I dont have any reception problems, I live in louisiana and travel to Fl, and all the way to texas. I go every where in those states with no problems.

I have been told that people up north around New York and stuff have some reception problems but when I went to NYC I had no problems.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
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I live north of Austin TX. Seems after a little more research there have been problems with 3G in this area the past few weeks - I have seen complaints on other forums. I certainly will take another look when the new version comes out, but I am kind of spoiled on the phone part - my Moto Q9c on Sprint is excellent and finding something as good will be difficult (believe me, I have tried).

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