10 Things that "Absolutely suck" about the iPhone. (Yes I have one)

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Jul 28, 2000
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Why doesn't Jobs compare the iPhone with phones like this one?


It's an entertainment device with a keyboard. Or how about a T-Mobile Sidekick?


These are the kinds of phones the iPhone's features might be able to compete against. Instead, Jobs picks out the top selling Smartphones on the market and chooses to compare his phone's features to a select subset of Smartphone features. Disingenuous certainly - but even more likely a direct attack on the Smartphone market. He's clearly chosen his targeted competition - high end Smartphones - because the iPhone can't compete against the cheap feature phones on the market - not at $600 per copy and a locked-in, 2-year, $60/mo plan.


Well-known member
May 24, 2004
What Jobs is actually talking about in that section of the keynote is input. His point is that having a physical keyboard is limiting: it's always there, even when you don't need it, and it's inflexible (you can't have one set of buttons for app number one and another set for app number 2 etc). The iPhone solution of course is to a have a virtual keyboard. Obviously that's very much a component of the UI.
I stand corrected. I found the entire keynote here:
And you're absolutely right. He's merely talking about what's wrong with smartphones today with the limitation of they static keyboard (if I may so paraphrase) and how a virtual keyboard is the best solution.

I think what's genius about the iPhone is that when you take a small keyboard + small screen, and put it next to a big beautiful screen, people will always pick the bit fancy screen. I see this all of the time with the AT&T 8525, people talk about how 320x240 is so much better than Treo's crappy 240x240. People hold screen real estate high in the priority list. Yet there's a segment of people that chose the inferior (in many ways) Treo 750 for the convenience and usability of that keyboard (and software tweaks) because that big screen really isn't necessary and don't want to deal with an extra step to the keyboard.

Apple figured this out and ran with it. Regardless of how good the software is, they have the one element that people want most, a big multi use screen. People love digital cameras and pictures. And more than that they love sharing those pictures (on a big fancy screen.)

Now when someone stops to think of it rationally, it's a lot easier to deal with a static keyboard for making calls and text messaging. But people don't necessarily shop rationally, at least not the mass consumer market.
And they'll sacrifice one thing to gain another. And obviously more people would like to deal with learning a bitmap keyboard than have a static button keypad. It's all about priorities.

Even Palm is talking about getting rid of the keyboard. They want to do it so you'll have to carry a Foleo, which is the wrong way to go about it.

Again, I'll skip on the $600 iPhone 1. I'm anxious to see what future models provide.


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Mar 16, 2003
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I don't think its fair to pollute the new iPhone forum with a thread negative to the iPhone. Obviously those people have already made their choices. I think its unfortunate that it even shows up in the phonedifferent New Posts list.


We could move all these old iPhone threads over to the iPhone forums but not under the Other Handheld forum but only on the iPhone only forums, however, all the links from the T/C forums will be broken as they are not shared.

Please post all iPhone related items to the Phonedifferent forums.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2005
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We could move all these old iPhone threads over to the iPhone forums but not under the Other Handheld forum but only on the iPhone only forums, however, all the links from the T/C forums will be broken as they are not shared.

Please post all iPhone related items to the Phonedifferent forums.

This is a new IPhone thread (from after the phonedifferent move) and its for the benefit of Treo users. Its pretty IPhone negative, and may scare away new users of the phonedifferent forum. I dont want to damage the business of the TreoCentral owners by doing that, which is why I rarely post in the phonedifferent forum.

In short, I would ask that this thread remains on the TC side, as its too negative for the embryonic IPhone forum.



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Dec 4, 2002
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So "other devices" forum is only for device that do not exist in other TC owned forums (ex. phonedifferent, WMExperts)?


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Jul 7, 2005
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I really don't like the Phone Different site. I don't even go there anymore.

First, it is not handheld friendly.

Second, you have to bookmark and read different sites for information which used to be found in one central location.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
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Good post

Look, you have a point, but what most people find offensive is that they're charging folks an un-subsidized price for a device that further requires a lenghty contract, has very tightly-controlled and therefore somewhat limiting features, lacking some very basic options and on and on..so forth.

I know lots of folks who like their iPhone and tried to convince me to get one, but the downsides far outweigh the upsides for me personally. I can't go without a qwerty keyboard (Sprint 700Wx), period, bluetooth stereo, extended batteries (no matter how much juice a device has, it's always good to get a spare or at least have the option to get one, having to send it your phone plus pay $29 to rent one is retarded), no 3G (Sprint and Verizon are making a killing with their EVDO offerings, no GSM carrier in the States even comes close, especially to Sprint at $15/month)...i could go on, but what's the point.

Sorry, a $500-$600 locked-down GSM phone will not "have a good portion of the cell phone market" like you say. At that price point it doesn't work for everyone or the majority.

Let us all let it be. Some like it and it works for them, others don't and it's not for them, like me.

and you didn't call anyone an idiot!


Well-known member
May 28, 2004
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Yes. I believe things like "The iPhone is 5 years ahead of anything out there" and "The iPhone is the best phone ever made."

Best phone ever made was by Western Electric. It was so good everyone had one mounted on their kitchen wall. You couldn't even buy one. It was rented monthly by your service provider AT&T. I'm sure it had 99% of the marketand if you still have one I bet it would work. 35 years and not a single crash or reset. And just like the iPhone, it didn't do much but what it did it did well.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2006
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Best phone ever made was by Western Electric. It was so good everyone had one mounted on their kitchen wall. You couldn't even buy one. It was rented monthly by your service provider AT&T. I'm sure it had 99% of the marketand if you still have one I bet it would work. 35 years and not a single crash or reset. And just like the iPhone, it didn't do much but what it did it did well.

It beat the iPhone by not crashing though :D


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2005
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Best phone ever made was by Western Electric. It was so good everyone had one mounted on their kitchen wall. You couldn't even buy one. It was rented monthly by your service provider AT&T. I'm sure it had 99% of the marketand if you still have one I bet it would work. 35 years and not a single crash or reset. And just like the iPhone, it didn't do much but what it did it did well.

:D :D :D :D :D :D



Well-known member
Jan 21, 2004
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I sense everyone starting to feel comfortable in their own little spots next to others with different opinions. Maybe this thread has a chance to end with a peaceful resolution. We can all co-exist afterall! :D


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2004
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Best phone ever made was by Western Electric. It was so good everyone had one mounted on their kitchen wall. You couldn't even buy one. It was rented monthly by your service provider AT&T. I'm sure it had 99% of the marketand if you still have one I bet it would work. 35 years and not a single crash or reset. And just like the iPhone, it didn't do much but what it did it did well.
I think the call quality was poor. But then maybe it was the network it ran on.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
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Although you say you don't want to pollute phonedifferent.com forums, it seems you "have no credibility" over there, according to cmaier.

I found that comment interesting, since you don't post over there much.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
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Although you say you don't want to pollute phonedifferent.com forums, it seems you "have no credibility" over there, according to cmaier.

I found that comment interesting, since you don't post over there much.

But he posts over here, and I've owned a treo 650 and been a member of this site for many years.
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