A Windows Phone Fanboys Review of iOS 7 on the 5S


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Nov 12, 2012
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Nice! You know how to google too.

HTC Wallaby, it was given to me in my junior year of high school because it was too complex for my dad. He went back to his Razr and I toiled away on it. I've actually been a member of XDA since 08 when I eh, I guess upgraded to the Samsung Blackjack. From there, HTC Dash, HTC PPC 6800, HTC Touch, HTC Touch Diamond, Samsung Omnia 2, G1... I could go on. I didn't get an iPhone til the 4th gen as I knew my phones could do more but they caught up around the 4. Then they started adding the minor fluff like Siri and the sort which I was upset about at the time as I'd paid for it on the 4 and then they blocked it and made it a 4S exclusive but whatever, I was using my HD1 primarily then and dual booting OSes though I was one of the few who preferred Windows Mobile on the Frankenphone. I then got a N9 which sealed the deal on me following Nokia and they just happened to go with an OS that made it worth it. I've owned an S2, S3, S4, Optimus G, Z10, Nexus 4 and now 5s since. Ultimately, I've had a total of 113 smartphones though not all different. I traded, bought and sold them throughout college as a primary source of income on Craigslist. Anyway, thanks for proving to be pig headed and pretentious as opposed to making valid points. I hope trolling in your own forum brings you some level of personal gratification.

Wow, that was a wall of text.


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Sep 22, 2013
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First of all, my name is Lance. I'm a junior developer at a firm that I won't reveal right now because I like making a mockery of others online and I'd rather my actions not be associated with them. I am a long time windows Phone user, I have been using it since the initial release of the HD7 that I waited in a very, very short line for in the busiest store in the Austin area. and am currently rocking a Lumia 1020 and a Surface RT to compliment it. I also have a Nexus 4 for Android purposes in development and an iPhone 4, well, that is until yesterday. We received 6 5s units from Apple for development purposes and our apple team is only four people so we had two in a raffle. I jokingly entered being the absolute hater of iOS I was. The boring UI, the static icons. It's only saving grace prior to iOS 7 in my eyes was the sheer number of games on the platform. My iPhone 4 had been reduced to nothing but a machine to play Infinity Blade on, even my two year old had lost interest in it and turned his eyes towards my Surface RT. I fully believe that iOS has not innovated since Slide to Unlock which was arguably released on a few select Windows Mobile phones prior to that. I thought there was no way Apple could make a redeeming quality OS and then I won. Okay, Craigslist fodder, yay. Or so I thought.

I'd like to say, I still don't feel Apple can innovate, they still have not brought anything new to the table. This time, they just stole well. Most everything on the new iOS is a bastardized version of something that another OS has had for awhile. The beauty of iOS is it's ability to stitch together this Frankenstein's monster of a phone and make it where it would be able to function and even impress at times. Hell, it's even somewhat appealing to the eye and that's something the iPhone has never had going for it on the software front. It really is quite impressive what the hipsters at Cupertino have been able to come up with. So, well, here goes my little half-assed review and bear in mind that I'm half-asleep writing this.

Honestly, the hardware brings nothing new to the table. Apple continues to fail at excelling on all fronts aside from the GPU in terms of specs which, as both they and Windows Phone have proven, are not necessary if you actually optimize your OS (I'm looking at you Android and I would be at BBOS but no one looks at BBOS) Don't think I am saying this is a low quality device by any means. It is an expertly crafted phone with quality materials and it truly feels like each individual iPhone was put together by hand (Likely in a sweat shop in a third world country) to make sure that each part fit together flawlessly. My only complaint is that I've seen two people already try scanning their finderprint as they pick it up grabbing it solely from the bottom and dropping the phone as it flips from the top. It's a beautiful piece of machinery that I think only Nokia can rival in terms of quality.

I cannot tell you how many people updated their iPhones and thought it was a joke. This is not the iOS that I originally toyed with back in 08, who knew they'd ever update their archaic and hideous design? Sure, the new OS looks a little cartoony but it is a phenomenal step in the right direction. I know the colors are a bit too soft pastel but don't let that dissaude you, the fact that the iPhone only has one button on it's face is now finally okay with all of the gestures. The fact that the eye tracking actually works unlike the gimmicky S4 is great too, I thought it was a bit funny when I heard about it but it really does add a whole new dynamic layer to the UI creating a more 3d effect than the 3d evo ever did. The new camera UI is actually usable and quite good. It doesn't have the array of options I'm used to and certainly doesn't hold a candle to my Lumia 1020 in terms of quality but the shots are solid, it has the best panorama feature I've ever utilized on a smartphone and overall it's certainly usable. The new music player and the new Siri UI were both a pleasure to use and finally felt like an extension of the OS rather than another app.

Where Do I Think It Can Improve?
First of all, offer some kind of option for people who don't want a feminine phone. I like the UI but it's certainly affeminite. Second, pretty much every old app needs to be reconsidered to create a more unified experience across the OS. It should be made easy for developers to transition from your awful old menu styles to something that feels like an extension of the OS. Third, I'd love some sort of activity on the screen. It's all so static and dull. And FINALLY, innovate. Apple has not done anything innovative in years and that is sad coming from the hipster and geek company rather than us nerds for Microsoft. I know Apple has it in them but please, just brind something new to the table.

Uh...lad, there are some things you should mention and should not mention in a post.

As for Apple not doing anything innovative in years id have to disagree, ios 7 is a major change from ios 6 interns of the UI. Besides...Apple was first to bring out an artificial assistant (siri) and then we also have them bringing out an iPhone with a fingerprint sensor....so yes, sure...apple is not innovative....


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Sep 22, 2013
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More 3D than an HTC EVO 3D ?....thats like saying: "a car flys better than an aeroplane". If you have an HTC EVO 3D and you want your home screens and icons/widgets in 3D then get SPB shell (yandex may have the experimental feature as well)....then we compare....


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Sep 24, 2013
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Stop trying so hard to prove yourself. To the people here there have only been iPhones. Mentioning all the others is like speaking a foreign language to them. Additionally, you have no way of knowing which post you submit will make it past this site's iCensors. The Apple way is so disgusting and pretentious you'd think the intelligent people on here would see through it.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2012
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Uh...lad, there are some things you should mention and should not mention in a post.

As for Apple not doing anything innovative in years id have to disagree, ios 7 is a major change from ios 6 interns of the UI. Besides...Apple was first to bring out an artificial assistant (siri) and then we also have them bringing out an iPhone with a fingerprint sensor....so yes, sure...apple is not innovative....

You should learn more about your phone or read the thread. Siri was not made by Apple, I had it as an app on the 4 long before the 4s came into fruition. It was in the app store for quite some time. Not to mention that Android had one as well. That, and phones have had fingerprint sensors since at least 07/08 when I got my first one.


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Nov 12, 2012
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More 3D than an HTC EVO 3D ?....thats like saying: "a car flys better than an aeroplane". If you have an HTC EVO 3D and you want your home screens and icons/widgets in 3D then get SPB shell (yandex may have the experimental feature as well)....then we compare....

Oh, you mean I can put more effort into modding my phone than using it because the OS itself as well as the manufacturer support isn't meeting the bar? Android in a nutshell.


Sep 24, 2013
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So Apple is the first company to successfully implement a near-perfect biometric identification device into a mobile phone and the potential to revolutionize security, but the hardware "brings nothing new to the table". LOL

Ok then!

Hate to burst your bubble but Apple was not the first to have a "near perfect" biometric sensor on a phone. I had a Motorola ES400 way back in the Windows Mobile days and it had a fingerprint scanner and a stand alone built-in bar code scanner. Google it if you don't believe me.


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Oct 8, 2011
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Hilarious indeed, considering they all stole it from webOS. Not to mention contact integration also stolen from webOS (Synergy) along with gestures and Universal Search from the home screen. All webOS firsts, imitated but not duplicated.

Yes. That was my point.


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May 30, 2011
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Stop trying so hard to prove yourself. To the people here there have only been iPhones. Mentioning all the others is like speaking a foreign language to them. Additionally, you have no way of knowing which post you submit will make it past this site's iCensors. The Apple way is so disgusting and pretentious you'd think the intelligent people on here would see through it.

If it disgusts you so much, then why take so much time out of your day to read and posts comments on it?


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Nov 25, 2009
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If it disgusts you so much, then why take so much time out of your day to read and posts comments on it?

Not much going on in Windows World?
Looking for a false and fleeting feeling of superiority by putting down others?
Stockholm Syndrome?
Lack of sex?
Halo night was cancelled?


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2012
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Who told you this? The Apple marketing team? There are already reports of your near-perfect biometric revolutionary security system falling to hackers. Hey, I'm OK with people liking iPhones, but you really gotta tone down the horse****.

I believe he was referring to the fact that Apple has implemented a near perfect security feature on a phone that could set the tone for how security is implemented on other phones in the future. And as for hackers, well hackers do what they do because, well they're hackers. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and I am sure Apple will find a solution to make this feature better in future updates and iterations.

The only other phone that I know of (and I have had just about every high end phone in past 4 years) that had anything close (but failed miserably) was the original Motorola Atrix phone. That feature worked about a quarter of the time.

Also, law enforcement sure seems very happy that Apple has implemented something that actually works and will most likely help to curb theft. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and in SF alone, at least 50%-60% of all theft is related strictly to iphones (and other smartphones). In fact George Gascon (current SF AG) is one of the 2 people who seriously pushed Apple to do something to help curb theft.....so this is a great start to something bigger and better in terms of security.


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Nov 12, 2012
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There were several phones in 07/08 that had the biometric screening that apple has implemented and it worked excellently on WinMo. No issues at all. It just wasn't practical, even proper facial recognition software (better than Android's sad attempt) would be infinitely better because fingerprint scans are way too easy to dupe, even for a civilian.

As for the WebOS comments, I never used WebOS but just watched a video and see the card implementation as more an overall OS thing instead of exclusively a multi-tasking screen. WebOS always looked okay but I couldn't settle for the tiny screens.


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Sep 24, 2013
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I like the simplicity in Windows phone, and having had a pair of Windows phone devices recently, I have enjoyed them...initially.

After a few weeks of owning them, the fun goes away. The UI becomes bland and boring, the lack of some apps begins to annoy me, and the fact that the WP community is so small also gets to me. So while WP is something new in a world of smartphones where most UIs are the same, it gets boring rather quickly.

Just my $0.02.


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Sep 10, 2013
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Everything after the OP's own words: I like making a mockery of others online is irrelevant to me because of those very words.

Open mockery does not a bias make. Past that opening he's pretty fair to Apple. He makes his opinion clear though, "I don't really like Apple and I don't care what you think." This is a good case of "they say... I say..." You can cover your eyes and not read it, that's your prerogative, but that reason alone doesn't invalidate the review.

On the other hand, OP, you're pretty charged. You could've kept a lot of snark to yourself instead of peppering every other sentence with "no innovation" and "Apple hipsters." At least you brought up some good points, like people flipping the phone when trying to use the scanner. I wonder how prevalent that will end up being.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2012
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Open mockery does not a bias make. Past that opening he's pretty fair to Apple. He makes his opinion clear though, "I don't really like Apple and I don't care what you think." This is a good case of "they say... I say..." You can cover your eyes and not read it, that's your prerogative, but that reason alone doesn't invalidate the review.

On the other hand, OP, you're pretty charged. You could've kept a lot of snark to yourself instead of peppering every other sentence with "no innovation" and "Apple hipsters." At least you brought up some good points, like people flipping the phone when trying to use the scanner. I wonder how prevalent that will end up being.

There are two 5S locally being sold with cracked screens and I don't live in a particularly large or wealthy town. I'm worried about it becoming another case of, "You're holding it wrong."

I do make my disdain for Apple clear because each time they release anything they release it as though they're the first to do it and the less intelligent eat it up. I have to say, watching that Jobs movie last week likely didn't help.

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