Expansion of iPhone Security...


Nov 6, 2011
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So I'm up because I fell asleep earlier but as I lay here thinking, I'm wondering if there's a way Apple could expand their Activation Lock capabilities by not allowing the iPhone to be powered down without entering your Apple ID Password? This would greatly increase ones chances of iPhone retrieval if stolen. It wouldn't, in my estimation, be a hindrance to many either as it seems most don't power their iPhones down during normal daily use anyway!


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Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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What about when the battery dies? The phone is definitely powered down at that point. Apple can't prevent that from happening…:)


Mar 11, 2013
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What about when the battery dies? The phone is definitely powered down at that point. Apple can't prevent that from happening?:)

Very true but it would slow down or stop the savvy thief that tries and turn off the phone as soon as they swipe it

I can see a Touch ID power down option working quite nicely

Sent from my iPhone 5s Gold 64GB


Nov 6, 2011
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JustMe'D said:
What about when the battery dies? The phone is definitely powered down at that point. Apple can't prevent that from happening?:)
Very true but it would slow down or stop the savvy thief that tries and turn off the phone as soon as they swipe it

I can see a Touch ID power down option working quite nicely

Sent from my iPhone 5s Gold 64GB

This! :)

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Ariel Babalao

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May 8, 2014
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With ios7+ just activate find my phone in settings> iCloud and your iPhone is secure. The phone won't give out any information until either the phone screen look or iCloud password is entered. The tech savvy can reboot the phone, he can even goes further by putting the phone in DFU mode so to factory reset, but at the end of the factory restore, he will be ask to enter the find my phone password which will double check with apple server, until he won't be able to enter the right password, the phone will just be a solid brick for him. Save if you ever come to forget your find my phone password, unless you are the first owner of the iPhone with valid registrations, Apple won't help you to unlock the device.
Basically find my phone made any other security measurements useless from ios 7+ going as it's the most efficient security measurement ever by Apple, now for 5S and futures devices going on, there is the touch ID option as well, but this touch ID is only store locally in the iPhone and not on Apple server so it can be easily pass by anyone mastering the IPSW, but find my phone is another story till date is one unbreakable security.

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2010
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So I'm up because I fell asleep earlier but as I lay here thinking, I'm wondering if there's a way Apple could expand their Activation Lock capabilities by not allowing the iPhone to be powered down without entering your Apple ID Password? This would greatly increase ones chances of iPhone retrieval if stolen. It wouldn't, in my estimation, be a hindrance to many either as it seems most don't power their iPhones down during normal daily use anyway!


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If you make it an option, then yes, I could see it being good. However, there's two caveats. One, most people don't remember their passwords, and requiring that to shut down is tedious, and makes it difficult to troubleshoot (but that'd be a reason to make it an option). But two, if all phones *were* trackable no matter what, you'd have people going to the locations of their phones, and what if the person who has it beats them up or worse... I'd say it could be better to lose the phone, than to try to rescue it in a lot of cases. Basically, except in the case of a 10 year old who stole it from a classmate, it could be dangerous to be a vigilante and get it back yourself.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2015
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So I'm up because I fell asleep earlier but as I lay here thinking, I'm wondering if there's a way Apple could expand their Activation Lock capabilities by not allowing the iPhone to be powered down without entering your Apple ID Password? This would greatly increase ones chances of iPhone retrieval if stolen. It wouldn't, in my estimation, be a hindrance to many either as it seems most don't power their iPhones down during normal daily use anyway!


Sent from my iPhone using iMore Forums

Wouldn't really matter needing an power down,, When the iPhone runs out of battery it will shut off anyway :) There is on way around *that*...

I can see the logic, if u lose your phone, it only sends message to powered on device, which may not be done for a few days...


Oct 2, 2013
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Wouldn't really matter needing an power down,, When the iPhone runs out of battery it will shut off anyway :) There is on way around *that*...

I can see the logic, if u lose your phone, it only sends message to powered on device, which may not be done for a few days...

This thread is over 2 years old.