Looking for a brown Apple Watch strap that is waterproof that looks like leather?


iMore Question

I love leather straps but unfortunately no good in the shower.

Anyone recommend a waterproof leather looking brown strap for my aluminium Apple Watch.



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Oct 1, 2017
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Leather is a natural material that breathes, and has interesting character when compared to synthetics. While water can dry out leather and shorten its life, it is possible to treat leather with preservatives that will make it live almost indefinitely. Neatsfoot oil (not neatsfoot oil compound) and mink oil are the two most common preservatives. A product available in most shoe repair shops is Lexol, which does not leave a bad odour, and will keep the leather soft and help it to live long. It should be noted that these products will tend to darken light colored leather, though.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2016
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Having used mink oil in the past on my riding leathers (jacket and pants), that's what I'm going to recommend here. Although I'm not sure about a watch band, I also used saddle soap to first wash them, rinse well, and allow to air dry completely before using mink oil.

Another option is to have a band custom made by a leather worker where they can also waterproof it for you. I'm all for supporting small businesses that do handmade items. ;)