Dim iPhone Screen After Updating to iOS 10.2.1


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Jan 27, 2017
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I can CONFIRM that the brightness dims once at 75% battery life, then once more at 50% battery life. Edbo is spot on. Also, it occurred to me that this might be a cheap temporary 'fix' for the 20% battery problem where phones shut down after reporting 20% battery is left. If so, that's pretty sad. We shouldn't be forced to change our brightness for anything if we don't want to. It's messing with my eyes.

Kevin Arnold4

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Jan 29, 2017
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You are right my issues occur exactly as you describe. I suspect Apple has done this to get around the battery issues which are more widespread then they will admit. This battery issue is also occurring on my ipad air device.


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Feb 4, 2017
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This the same issue I am having, however, strange that it is not on all phones.

My wife and I purchased the same phone at the same time, iPhone SE, so I thought they were identical except for color. We have both updated to 10.2.1. I did mine first then a couple days later my wife updated her's. My phone does not exhibit any problems but her's does.

We have tried everything in this thread for my wife's phone but nothing corrects the dim screen problem. Mine has not had this problem. I have compared every setting between her's and mine and made sure they are identical but her's continues to have a problem but not mine.

This is most likely a software quality problem with the last update. Apple use to be a lot better than that.

Forbes also had an article discussing these issues and others at the following link
Forbes Welcome


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Jan 27, 2017
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I have the same issue on my 6+ and also recenlty bought 7+ which at the beginning i updated the ios and i think im not getting full brightness on my iphones.


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Feb 9, 2017
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This has been driving me crazy for weeks. As soon as the battery reaches 49%, my screen goes dim, and there's no way to fix it. (My battery also has issues. Sometimes it's at 26%, and I'll plug it in, and it'll immediately jump to 60%. Sometimes it will shut off, and I'll turn it on, and it'll have plenty of battery left.

This may be my last iPhone. I'm annoyed.


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Feb 14, 2017
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I have this problem too on my 6s. I've actually seen the screen go bright and dark over the last week or two, I just never put it together to record the battery percentage. I was thinking worst case it was a hardware issue, but by going by this thread, it looks to be a software issue. Hopefully this is a bug and Apple will provide a fix, its annoying seeing the screen go dark when brightness is set to MAX!!

I can also confirm my screen just went brighter when charging and hit 75% exactly...


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Feb 17, 2017
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I have this problem too on my 6s. I've actually seen the screen go bright and dark over the last week or two, I just never put it together to record the battery percentage. I was thinking worst case it was a hardware issue, but by going by this thread, it looks to be a software issue. Hopefully this is a bug and Apple will provide a fix, its annoying seeing the screen go dark when brightness is set to MAX!!

I can also confirm my screen just went brighter when charging and hit 75% exactly...


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Feb 18, 2017
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Same here on my 6S, really frustrating when outdoors and screen is dim and you can't do anything about it as brightness control is on maximum.


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Apr 24, 2012
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Both my iPhone and my iPad are running the beta. Both were set the same but on Saturday my iPhone screen dimmed! I turned off auto brightness and its fine now.

Still working ok with auto brightness enabled on iPad


Mar 3, 2011
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Man, I've been having this exact same problem. I'm running 10.2.1 and it's been driving me nuts. Outside, once the battery goes below 50%, it becomes unusable as the screen goes so dim (especially with sunglasses on). I've been racking my brain over this and went so far as to take notes to track it, and here's what I'm experiencing...

- issue begins @ 75% battery drain (goes slightly dim)
- at 50% drain, the screen goes super even dimmer (to the point of being barely usable outside)

Now, I've also noticed the following...

- when battery is below 75%, but above 50%, the brightness slider has no affect on the brightness when you drag it beyond about 75% on the slider (the screen stops getting brighter, even though there's still room left on the slider)

- when battery is below 50%, same sorta things, except the brightness slider has no affect beyond the halfway point (and the screen only goes about 50% brightness)

Other things I've noticed...

- reboots (soft and hard) have no affect

- resets (Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings) sometimes correct the issue, but not consistently (earlier in the week, a reset corrected it, but today, multiple resets did nothing)

- wiping the phone has the same general affect as Reset All Settings in that sometimes it corrects the issue, other times it doesn't. For example, outside at lunch today, battery hits 50% battery drain, could barely see my screen. Got back to work, did multiple resets (Reset All Settings). Nothing. Figured, what the heck, I'll try a wipe (didn't restore from iCloud as I just wanted to get into the system to test the brightness slider). Nothing. Then, did a second wipe, this time restoring from iCloud. This time it corrected the issue (though, at this point, I'd plugged the phone in—though, was only at 30% battery drain).

Anyone notice if Beta 4 has corrected this? Going to load it up this afternoon and test...


Mar 3, 2011
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Just an update...I upgraded to 10.3 Beta 4 last night (was on 10.2.1 when I made my post yesterday). I'd like to say the issue is fixed, but to be honest, it's really hard to tell. Why? The battery indicator seems totally wacked. I went for the same walk today that I did yesterday. Pretty much the same conditions. Started out with battery at around 80%—same as yesterday. But, today, within 10 minutes, the drain dropped below 70% (screen didn't dim—which I thought was great, though I was thinking the battery drained pretty fast...but, it is a beta). Then, 15 minutes later, I was down to 20% (got the low battery warning). Still no dimmed screen...but battery was dropping fast. Within 2-5 minutes after that, it was at 1%. Screen was still 100% brightness, but in less than half an hour, I was down to 1% battery (from 80%). Then, for the next 30 minutes, it remained at 1%. Never died, just stayed at 1% for the rest of my walk. Still at 1% when I got back to the office. Plugged it into power, and within 5 minutes it was at 70%. As I type this, maybe 5 minutes after hitting 70%, it's now at 80% (just got the pop-up that no longer in low-power mode). So, not really sure I can trust the battery level indicator at this point, so hard to say if I ever actually dropped to 75% and 50%? I was showing 1% battery at around the same point today that I would have hit 70% yesterday. So, who knows? I'll keep testing it and we'll see.

Thinking about it now, I should have let the phone completely drain...see how long it'd last at 1% before shutting down. I'll do that next time...


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