[REVIEW] AirPods


Dec 25, 2011
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Exactly What I Expected
Like it or not, the future is wireless. Wireless charging, wireless media transfers, wireless audio, you name it. Naturally, Apple had to offer their own wireless earphones when they ditched the 3.5mm jack. What you get is pretty basic, in the box you get the AirPods, charging/carrying case, and a lightning cable. I remember hearing when AirPods first came out that some people had issues taking the AirPods out of the case. I had no such issues myself. I have found that the case gets quite dirty inside, especially if you keep them in your pocket all day as I do. Apple also claims five hours of listening before needing a charge and that seems to be fairly accurate in my time with the AirPods. Charging is simple since you just place the AirPods in the charging/carrying case and they start charging immediately as indicated by the LED inside the case. When the case needs charging you simply plug the lightning cable into the bottom of the case and you're charging. Pairing the AirPods is incredibly simple too, just open the case and wait for the popup, which happens quite quickly. Tap to pair and your AirPods are synced with all your devices linked to your iCloud account. That's one of the nicest features Apple has come out with lately by using their W1 chip. I also heard that the fit of the AirPods was a little different from that of the EarPods, and that is true. My AirPods fit perfectly in my left ear but is a little loose in my right. EarPods are both a little large for my ears and need a lot of adjustment so the AirPods are a definite improvement with the fit.



While you're not given a lot of control with the AirPods, you can select one of a few presets for the double tap on the AirPods. Each AirPod can handle a different task as well. I have found that repeated double taps tend to make the AirPods move around a little and require adjustment, but otherwise work great. While all of this was exactly what I expected, so was the sound quality. The EarPods cost $30 and have a wire, the AirPods have no wire, the W1 chip, they can detect when they are in your ears, if you have one or both in your ears, and cost $160. The problem with that though, is they both sound the same. This was my biggest holdout with getting the AirPods. I just knew they probably sounded just like the EarPods and unfortunately I was right. Given the sound quality and the tech, I wouldn't pay more than $60 for the AirPods, but Apple has the gall to charge to $160 for the convenience. Don't get me wrong, they are convenient. I just don't think they offer $100 worth of convenience. My BeatsX sound much better and cost $10 less brand new, but I still default to the AirPods for the comfort. Though overall, the BeatsX are more comfortable and offer a better fit, the AirPods are incredibly light and easy to manage. I just hope they increase the sound quality for future versions.


The Good
Charges in the case

The Bad
Overly expensive
Sub-par sound quality
One size fits all


It's up to you to decide if the AirPods are worth $160 or not, for me, I could never justify the cost or recommend them at full price. Not when they sound the same as the earphones that Apple gives you in the box with the phone. I'm an outlier here though as I base the cost of my audio products on the sound quality rather than any other factor. For many people, the AirPods are well worth $160. It all depends on what you base your value on. You can see the AirPods at Apple right here.

EDIT: Updated photos, not as clean as I would like, however, I do not have rubbing alcohol which is best for cleaning the AirPods.
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Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Excellent review, but dude, you might want to thoroughly clean your AirPods and charging case and then update the photos above.....:cool:

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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Nice review! I personally don’t mind the price point but, as you stated, I wish they sounded a little better. That’s to be expected from earbuds to a certain extent. Rumors are circulating about the next generation of AirPods. If they keep the price point the same and improve the sound quality I’ll have to upgrade.
@Just_Me_D already pointed this out but clean your AirPods! Zoomed in photos of earwax and pocket lint may be true to life but nobody wants to see it.


Jun 7, 2010
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I find it’s hard to keep the case clean too. It just attracts dirt. ������*♂️

A little bit of rubbing alcohol on a q-tip works wonders for the case. Kleenex for the AirPods themselves, or even an alcohol wet wipe, with a q-tip in your own ear if you seem to be doing that a lot :rotfl:

I haven't used my AirPods much, I still default to using the EarPods for plug and play. Not really sure why because you just have to put the AirPods in for "plug and play".


Trusted Member
May 6, 2009
Good review! What you wrote is pretty much exactly as I expected. The big thing that keeps me from picking them up is sound quality. I've never been the biggest fans of EarPods because I prefer IEMs for blocking more outside sound.

TBH I thought you left them dirty on purpose to prove your point about how dirty they get in your pocket. I woulda cleaned the wax off though. :p


Trusted Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Good review!

Sound quality and isolation are the least important criteria for my use case (exercise - mostly running outdoors). I want them to stay in my ears and last long enough on a charge to get me through a workout session. I have other headphones for use at the office when I want to block distractions.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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Not me. One is in my ear as I type while the other is in the case waiting to be used if needed.

Oh Yeah, Thanks for the review, but I had mine before this review was published...LOL

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