Is KeyChain a good alternative to the original 1Password?


Nov 9, 2011
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I am using the original 1Password to store logins, passwords and notes. The app kicks me out when I try to change a note and sometimes just after entering the unlock code. I also have the newer free version of 1Password, but it has limited capabilities, so I have continued using the old version. I have no need for the costly upgrade. Can anyone tell me if KeyChain is a good alternative? Is there a way to add notes? If not, what free app is the best for a recently retired pilot? I need it mainly for internet logins and wallet logins. I have an iPhone 5 running iOS 10.0.2 and also a 2013 MacBook Air running macOS Sierra.

Thanks for your help.


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Oct 8, 2016
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Keychain does some of the things 1Password does. It is accessed through Keychain app in utilities in application and can be used to show automatically saved usernames and passwords, and even has a comments section, but I haven't used it to set up a new entry (It is a menu item under keychain file menu when Keychain loaded). New items for me have happened automatically and a dialogue box asks if you want to save the password etc to Keychain. There are also some settings in System prefs relating to where the information is stored.

All in all, you could use it instead of 1Password, depending on what you used 1 Password for.