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  1. D

    For you VZW unlimited folks out there! Good news!

    I didn't see this yet but I figured I'd share it for those who used the scyzek method in upgrading to the new iPhone on Verizon. Well I'm just confirming that this method is still working as I just downgraded the Galaxy Nexus LTE that I had activated on one of my basic lines back to a basic...
  2. D

    Future of iOS8 for 6 Plus?

    Hey guys, With the release of the 6 Plus, do you think we'll start seeing an adaption to the larger screen size from Apple and developers like we've seen with the Note series? Having the huge screen is really great for media, but what I'd really like to see is support for styluses for note...
  3. D

    Verizon users who used the scyzek method to upgrade... I have a question..

    So I used the scyzek method to upgrade one of my basic lines to a 6+ then activated the phone once it arrived on my unlimited line in order to avoid the tiered plan. I know Verizon has essentially closed the old loophole for upgrading with basic lines then ditching the data plan but I thought...
  4. D

    What's your biggest hopes in the upcoming iP6+?

    For me my biggest hope is for much improved battery life over my 5s. Seems like with any moderate web browsing or youtube my battery takes a big hit... How about you?