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  1. Swapnil Vartak

    I just want to say

    Trolls on any site are not worth fretting over or getting hurt about. Ignore and move on...the fact that you have started a thread about this shows they got to you. Next time just ignore...
  2. Swapnil Vartak

    iPhone edge-to-edge display?

    Well the iPhone 6 has taken its design cues from HTC...
  3. Swapnil Vartak

    Should iphone 8 have curved edges?

    Well, even if Apple is getting displays from Samsung, they would have a say in the actual design of the screens..And while I do agree that there isn't much that could be done shape wise, the software implementation could make a lot of difference..
  4. Swapnil Vartak

    Product Red iPhone 7 instead of 7s?

    Yeah I'm buying 2 ACs next week and the combined price is equivalent to the iPhone 6 Plus I bought a couple of years ago...crazy right?
  5. Swapnil Vartak

    iPhone Touch Bar

    Touch bar on an iPhone? I don't know how useful that would be. It works on a Macbook as that is a non touch device. With a new iPhone,the whole screen is touch enabled. Besides a separate screen would reduce the real estate of the main screen..
  6. Swapnil Vartak

    Can Apple afford to maintain same design for another generation?

    Apple needs a new design, especially after the S8 and possibly the release of Note 8 before the next iphone release...
  7. Swapnil Vartak

    Would you like to see some Limited Edition iPhones for the 10th Anniversary?

    Well that's because it is exactly the same as the 6 month old iPhone 7 except for the color. Also it's released at a time when most people are waiting for the next generation iPhone.
  8. Swapnil Vartak

    Apples real naming scheme for the iPhone 8

    Anything but Edition....As someone suggested iPhone X and X Pro would sound cool..
  9. Swapnil Vartak

    Who is picking up a new iPad

    Think I will stick with my Air 2. There's not much of a difference really apart from the processor bump. It's a great price for someone looking to buy their first iPad though..
  10. Swapnil Vartak

    Would you like to see some Limited Edition iPhones for the 10th Anniversary?

    Limited edition? As much as I would love something unique, knowing Apple, it would be priced crazy and way out my reach, so no I would not want Apple to release something that would be desirable and utterly unattainable...
  11. Swapnil Vartak

    Samsung S8 vs Apple ?

    Both the iPhone and S8 would be awesome devices..For me it would boil down to price. If there isn't too much of a difference, it will be an iPhone...
  12. Swapnil Vartak

    iPhone 8 Colors

    Matte black, Product Red with a black front (Hopefully), Blue also with black front, gold, rose gold, silver. That's a lot of colors...Hopefully we'll have at least 2 of the first 3 in my list..
  13. Swapnil Vartak

    Should iphone 8 have curved edges?

    If Apple do bring the curved display to the iPhone, they will make sure that the implementation, both hardware and software, will be clearly distinct from the Samsung edge displays. They will bring something of their own to the table..So I'd be interested to see that...
  14. Swapnil Vartak

    Did anyone skip the iPhone 7 because they are waiting for the iPhone 8?

    Yeah well what can you say...I have a 40 inch Samsung 4K TV which is the same price as my iPhone..Heck you can buy a mid range scooter or motorbike at that price...
  15. Swapnil Vartak

    Did anyone skip the iPhone 7 because they are waiting for the iPhone 8?

    Well..a lot of people want to buy the iPhone and would jump right in if Apple drops the price to around 800-900 USD...that's still a lot but might just get the fence sitters to take the plunge
  16. Swapnil Vartak

    Did anyone skip the iPhone 7 because they are waiting for the iPhone 8?

    Well I'm in India. iPhones are more expensive here than anywhere else in the world. I bought my 6 Plus for around 900 USD almost 2 years ago. If the iPhone 8 is around 1000 USD, I will consider buying. Anything more than that, maybe not..
  17. Swapnil Vartak

    Is the new 2017 iPad really an upgrade from the iPad Air 2?

    Well it's not really an upgrade as much as its a refresh. A bump in processor and a slight improvement in battery but a step back on physical dimensions. The pricing however is the biggest change. Anyone looking to buy a new iPad should definitely go for this if they want an affordable iPad. For...
  18. Swapnil Vartak

    Is it true that the Matte Black Iphone 7 plus is prone to paint chippings and early wear?

    I have seen the paint chipped off on my Friend's iPhone 7 in 3 different places on the back and it does not look pretty. I wonder how it will look with the paint on the entire back chipped off...And it's a fairly new phone as well..less than 3 months old...
  19. Swapnil Vartak

    (Product) Red iPhone

    Red back with black front seems such an obvious thing that it's difficult to fathom why Apple missed it...Unless of course,as someone said, they may reserve that combination for the iPhone 8...Now imagine a bezel less iPhone with these colors...
  20. Swapnil Vartak

    Did anyone skip the iPhone 7 because they are waiting for the iPhone 8?

    I am waiting for the iPhone 8 or "Edition" or whatever Apple decides to call it....Just hope it will not be priced excessively....I am from India and given that Apple plans to manufacture iPhones in India starting June, they will price it reasonably. Fingers crossed.