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  1. Jas00555

    Can this be done on iTunes?

    So in Xbox Music, I'm able to add a song to my Music folder (where the Xbox Music is told to read my music), then that song gets uploaded to my "cloud collection", where I'm able to be download it as if I had purchased it in the store, even if I didn't. Am I able to do this in iTunes? I'm trying...
  2. Jas00555

    Why does Tim Cook mention android and windows at their events?

    I kind of understand the Android bashing. He's making the pitch that you should develop for iOS first since there are more people using one OS compared to Android, which is more fragmented. What I don't understand is bashing Windows. Like, no matter how he tries to spin it, that 14% of Windows...
  3. Jas00555

    Which non-iPhone phone works best with Apple devices?

    I don't think that anything can sync with iCloud, but there is an option to add an iCloud account under the email in Windows Phone 8.1. Since you've narrowed it down to "Not Android or iOS", I would have to recommend Windows Phone since there are at least some apps that sync to Macs, but I think...
  4. Jas00555

    Does it cost money to get the iOS beta?

    Ok, that makes sense then. Thanks.
  5. Jas00555

    Does it cost money to get the iOS beta?

    Oh, I get that. I have a developer account from Microsoft for my Windows Phone and I've never made an app that wasn't a simple, 10-minute RSS reader. Still, it's possible to be enrolled in the "preview" without spending a dime on Windows Phone, but I thought that you needed to buy a $100...
  6. Jas00555

    Does it cost money to get the iOS beta?

    So a friend of mine is talking a lot on twitter about how cool iOS 8 is. I asked him if he develops any apps and he said "no, I don't know how to do that". I was under the impression that you needed a developer account to get early access like that, and last time I checked, it costs $100 to be a...
  7. Jas00555

    What is the advantage of Macbooks now that the Surface Pro 3 exists?

    I agree. Most of the time though, I hear Mac fans talk about the support that Apple gives being the best, so that's why they pay the premium for it. I was just curious why people here choose Macs. Is it just mainly software preference?
  8. Jas00555

    What is the advantage of Macbooks now that the Surface Pro 3 exists?

    That's weird. I was logged into iMore, but I apparently was signed out for some reason. Anyways.... sorry guys, the OP was from me. Also, keep in mind that if I disagree with you, I'm not trying to come off as a blind fanboy or something, I just don't really know that many people with Apple...