Search results

  1. A

    Unexplained Data Consumption?

    My sister just got an iphone 4S, and is complaining about inexplicable data usage. On my device, I can clearly see how much data was used from each app/process, and when; I have widgets and other processes that auto-sync, but I can disable that. I can't seem to find the equivalent on her...
  2. A

    Why are Android users so upset by the 5?

    lol on iOS forums people complain about "Android fanboys", on Android forums people complain about "Apple fanboys". On iOS news articles, you get Android trolls; on Android news articles, you get Apple trolls. There's just as many of one as the other :P. Group mentality is pretty fascinating...
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    Funky odor on silicone cases from Ebay?

    My sister's getting an iPhone 4S for xmas, and wanted me to get her some cases. I got her a few regular cases off of Amazon, but she also wanted some novelty cases in fun shapes, like the Gameboy one. I grabbed like five random cases on Ebay for under $2 each, and they all smell atrocious. I'm...