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  1. Edmilan

    Favorite Apple/iOS Related Podcasts?

    The Cultcast! That's my number 1, very funny and very "real". I can easily identify with Erfon and the guys. Apple Byte extra crunch on number 2, and of course, the iMore Show to round up my top 3 Apple-related podcasts
  2. Edmilan

    What's your feeling after buying iPhone SE?

    Well as a 6S user before I gave it to my wife and bought the SE, I mainly used it for the trackpad features. But when O watched the iOS 10 keynote, maaan did I miss it. Another thing is the screen size (i'm a gamer) and LTE bands which was supported on the 6S, which my SE doesn't support. I'm...
  3. Edmilan

    I am back to the 6s after using iPhone SE

    I also came from a 6S (which I gave to my wife) and been toting the SE since late April, which is nearly 2 months now. And I admit: everytime I come home, I do miss the 6S especially since I'm a gamer. I am presently playing Vainglory, XCOM and Titan Quest on my SE. I tried installing and...
  4. Edmilan

    What is the full specification of iPhone SE?

    So 2gb RAM?
  5. Edmilan

    Would You purchase a 4-inch iPhone SE?

    Yes...well no... I already got the 6s. But I want the SE, better form factor. Problem is, my wife will probably kill me if I got one. But I really want this. If only I could have known it would release this early, I wouldn't have gotten the 6s
  6. Edmilan

    Do you manually manage music and videos on your iphone?

    guys, Do you manually manage music and videos on your iphone or let itunes do it? any distinct advantages of one over the other? which would you guys recommend?
  7. Edmilan

    BUG: IOS8.3 Music app crashes with smart playlists

    i also have this problem and is REALLY annoying. Hope they release 8.4 ASAP with the new music app, and i hope that it's bug free
  8. Edmilan

    8.2 messed up TV shows sorting on my iPhone

    Did a soft and hard reboot but it's still the same. TV shows are at default in the settings app. It was ok prior to updating the phone. But immediately after the update, i opened the videos app and it was wonky
  9. Edmilan

    8.2 messed up TV shows sorting on my iPhone

    My tv shows suddenly got sorted randomly with series mixed into the same show with no heading title. It's like being sorted into PG ratings and year and not by show
  10. Edmilan

    What do you think of the new MacBook?

    How do you connect your iPhone or iPad to sync it?
  11. Edmilan

    Your top iPhone 6 accessories that are NOT cases/screen protectors

    Yep i have a couple of cables: 2 regular and the 3rd is a long cable lol. Lightning to HDMI, I'll put that on my list. Anything else?
  12. Edmilan

    Your top iPhone 6 accessories that are NOT cases/screen protectors

    I'm planning on getting accessories for my phone but I don't need/use cases. Any suggestions? At present i just ordered the i-flashdrive EVO and I also have the Seagate wireless plus
  13. Edmilan

    Best Bluetooth Head set for iPhone 6

    also using the Moto hint with my 6, but prior to that i was using the Jawbone Era 2014 version
  14. Edmilan

    Naked iphone 6

    I used to go naked since the 5 and the 5s but when i got the 6, i kept dropping it coz it was so slippery. As of now, still without a case but a got an iShield for the back just for the slippery-ness
  15. Edmilan

    Show us your iPhone 6 Homescreen

    Please share
  16. Edmilan

    IPhone 6: reviews and first impressions

    iPhone 6 is definitely a champ! But I do have one gripe with it, it's too slippery! Especially for someone like me who hates putting on cases. Already had more than a couple of times when I almost dropped the device
  17. Edmilan

    iOS 8.1 released. Feedback/Bugs Thread

    Cover art still doesn't show for TV shows, they're still grey all over. I thought this would have been fixed, since it only stopped showing cover art when i updated to iOS 8
  18. Edmilan

    Decide 64GB or 128GB for iPhone6

    Videos and photos, and don't forget that app size most of the time also grow bigger and bigger as they add stuff and as we go forward. Besides, having a lot of extra space wouldn't hurt at all. You won't know when you'll need that extra space, and it'll be nice to know you have it when the time...
  19. Edmilan

    Anyone else's HealthKit keep erasing?

    Mine got erased too, happened 3x now after either a soft or hard reboot
  20. Edmilan

    Display View: Zoomed or Standard?
