Search results

  1. C

    Back with the iPhone 4

    Both platforms are great for different reasons.
  2. C

    Do you obsessively check your smartphone?

    Yes. My wife gets angry when I do it during dinner events.
  3. C

    iphone 5 - Expectations?

    I'm pretty sure theres gonna be a bigger screen this time around even though Steve Jobs previously said that 3.5 inch is the ideal.
  4. C

    IPHONE 5 whats important to u?

    I really hope it has a bigger screen. With retina pixel density, a 4 inch display would still look really good.
  5. C

    What is your favorite 3D game

    My favourite is Rage HD
  6. C

    Castle Attack

    Looks like cool version of Plants vs Zombies
  7. C

    What is your ideal game for iPhone or iPad?

    Old school point and click adventure game for iPad.
  8. C

    Forget the iPhone 5, what about an Apple Video game console?

    If they were going to do this. It would be better for them to just use the Apple TV for this purpose instead of making a dedicated console.
  9. C

    Why do you think Angry Birds are so successful on the App Store?

    Combination of factors: 1) Accessible 2) Early on the app store 3) Sustained with with amazing marketing campaign
  10. C

    Google Talk client?

    Have you tried IM+?
  11. C

    Multitasking games

    Most games already have multitasking implemented since it's been available for awhile now (iOS 4). If the developer hasn't added support for it yet it seems unlikely that they'll add it now.