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  1. D

    Chuck Norris Improves iPhone 4 Reception (video)

    Well, Chuck Norris is so fast he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.
  2. D

    Is it possible to transfer iBooks?

    What are books like on the iPad? I can see the use for going on holiday (just pack the iPad), but day to day, I just can't see it vbeating a good old fashioned paper book! (Sorry if this is a bit off topic and needs splitting)
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    I'm looking for a good Twitter client

    I've always liked Tweet Deck
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    Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi, I'm David, Digital Media Officer for the Meningitis Trust. As I say on twitter, "I?m a serial fundraising; #charitytuesday inventing; capoeira playing; science loving; hat wearing; skeptically enquiring geek"
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    Post your Twitter name here!

    Thanks for the follow : )
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    Post your Twitter name here!

    I'm @BigDaveSB I post about charity things, capoeira things, sciencey things, and whatever else comes to mind. All opinions are my own (apart from re-tweets obviously)
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    The Expendables

    I thought it was brilliant, and summed it up with this tweet "Want a simple plot; martial arts; throwing knives; guns; the odd car chase & massive explosions? The Expendables is the film for you : )"