Search results

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    xGPS 1.2 is out!

    I've tried to download it 3 times now & each time I get a error pop-up that says "MD5Sum mismatch".
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    News readers

    I'm a Blackberry use who recently bought an iPod touch, and I love it. I've actually been using my Bold a lot less & am considering switching over all together to the iPhone, but there's a few things I don't like about the iPhone/Touch that I'm hesitant about. One thing, that's not really a...
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    Bloomberg app problem

    I have not. I'm worried to sync my apps though since I have a bunch of jailbroken & cracked apps that I downloaded through my phone & I'm scared I'd lose them if I synced them.
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    Bloomberg app problem

    First of all, I'm on an iPod Touch & not an iPhone, but when it comes to the apps as far as I know it's the same thing. I'm having a bit of a problem with my Bloomberg app, specifically when I go to certain sections of it (editing & stock information), instead of the normal black background...
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    Yahoo search results + thumbnails = cool app from store

    I prefer to just use Google images.
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    live sports scores and highlight

    I use Sportacular & I really like it.
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    Iphone Backgrounder

    I've been using it & I like it, but after not too long the apps seem to close by themself.
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    slide to unlock

    Just look around cydia.
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    AppStore Apps and Jailbreaking Question

    When I jailbroke mine I lost all the appstore apps I had.
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    Cydia upgrade issues

    I've never had any problems with it.
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    Best Springboard theme

    I'm using AndroidPerfection. On the second page it's supposed to be just the Google search bar & no clock, but I've been having a hard time with that. I still love it though!
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    mAdvLock,Lock your iPhone apps

    I use Lockdown & find it works pretty well.
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    South Park Mobile available in Cydia

    That's awesome!