Search results

  1. M

    No insurance / Applecare

    It seems strange they won't cover them, considering the price drop...maybe apple has something to do with it...
  2. M

    I won the iPhone 3G Contest!!!!!!!!

    :p Congrats, you must be soooooo happy! I however will spend the day sobbing in a dark room untill I head off to wait in line :eek:
  3. M

    Itunes Account?

    Is your itunes account/ apple id used in activation/ tied to the iphone? Is it registered in the device permanently? or can you change ids?
  4. M

    everything you need to know (thus far)

    Are att stores going to have 16 gb at all? or just no white
  5. M

    iPhone 3G line etiquette/rules question

    I wouldn't save a spot unless she is there originally, then leaves and comes back. And it is a short time...Otherwise it is cutting and people may get unruly. Just bring someone with you to play it safe...
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    Odd offer from an AT&T Sales girl

    I don't know if the OP is lying or being sincere, but DO NOT DO THIS... It sounds shaaaaddy
  7. M

    Apple's Plans On iPhone 3g Checkout Process

    Its gonna be tough for anyone other then new customers at apple, I think a lot of people want to port numbers, close other accounts, ask questions, etc and will need att store reps. From what I hear the apple employees don't know too much other then what apple has posted...
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    Would you buy 8GB if they ran out of 16GB?

    Wow, this sucks, its gonna be hard to get a 16gb after friday...
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    Does the iphone support back to my mac or ichat?

    Does the iphone support back to my mac or ichat?
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    Apple store... 8am made official

    I have to call the store and see where to line up at the usually opens at 10AM. There is a corporate att and apple store there...
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    The ultimate decision: White or Black?

    Man I'm going early everyone else wants a 16gb black too...
  12. M

    Buying .Mac for MobileMe?

    I chatted with .mac support and they said there was no advantage/disadvantage to purchasing a trial .mac and upgrading vs. purchasing mobile me, other then a retail box...
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    Walt Mossberg reviews the iPhone 3G

    I can't stand walt, it amazes me he still has readers...
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    ATT text family?

    Do the text plans share between family members or do you have to get one for every line like data, with the new 3g iphone plans?
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    The 3g Keyboard...

    3g keyboard? Do the keys click and/or vibrate when you press them? Is there a way to landscape type? official or 3rd party?
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    mobileme from Apple

    I've had .mac for almost 3 years and it is waaaay too expensive, but it is also pretty easy to have everything sync, post photos, videos to web etc... It should be a lot less though IMHO. You can probably do all the same stuff for free maybe via google, but apple has built it into their...
  17. M


    How about a tablet that looks like n iphone, but unfolds, unrolls, or transforms into a full featured portable like a MBP. even if a projector is needed, I don't think we are too far off...I am looking forward to the iimplant...(just joking) P.S. Did you see walle and all the fat people...get...
  18. M

    iPhone 3G/3GS Cases

    Slider case I saw a relly nice slider case on incase's website. Has anyone tried this? Does it cove the screen as well? Is there a 3g version somewhere? Are there similar alternatives? I want full protection, but with the ability to see the screen. I don't mind having to open it up. I am...
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    Official Pricing Out from ATT

    Plans? Time? I am confused about att's plans. The last iphone included 200texts, unlimited data and minutes, for 10 bucks cheaper then currently. But the current plans don't include text and are more expensive...Am I looking in the right place? Do I just look at ATT's website under individual...