[closed] Weekly Photo Contest: Your first Mac photos!

Michelle Haag

Staff member
Oct 7, 2011
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Apple has been around for awhile (that's really not breaking news) and over the years, the Mac has evolved in so many ways. From newer designs to faster hard drives and upgrades, to modern, eye-catching color schemes and products, the Mac continues to make leaps and bounds in more ways that one!

The Macintosh Plus debuted in 1986, and three years later the Macintosh Portable hit the market at a super light 16 pounds. If you were alive in the 1990s, then you probably lusted after the iBook G3 or the first iMac because of its bright and colorful design and incredibly futuristic feel, or maybe you picked up the Power Macintosh G4 Cube at the dawn of the millennium 2000.

Regardless of whichever model of Mac was the first to touch your heart, there's a probable chance that you snapped a photo of you and your tech, or at least took a photo to show off to others. I mean, this was an Apple computer, after all... Not just any ol' rinky-dink thing...

That's why we've decided to kick of the first of many photo contests by asking you to show us your first Mac photos! Maybe you have a snapshot of yourself at college with your iBook, or maybe there's a shot (like Serenity has!) of you as a little tot at your family's Mac!


What's in it for you? Well, our winners with receive a tiny Elago W3 Mac stand and will have their photo featured across our social media!

All you have to do is…

  • Tag @iMore/@iMoregram on Instagram or Twitter
  • Use the hashtag #iMoreThrowBack
  • Make sure your profile is public!

Feel free to post on Instagram, Twitter, or here on this forum thread, for a chance to win. We're accepting entries through January 23rd so you have a little time to go dig through those shoe boxes and albums to find your photos. ;) Good luck!

Gary Katz

New member
Jun 29, 2013
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I'm going to go back even further than the Mac...all the way to the Apple II. Here is me in 1980 and 2011. I believe in the first image I was using our letter quality printer (that I borrowed from work) to cheat on my homework for typing class. Nobody really had printers at home, so if I turned in my printed homework, the teacher assumed I had typed it on our typewriter. Anyway...I got an A in the class, and actually learned to type a few years later.



I even have an original Apple ][ Plus computer signed by Steve Wozniak.

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