Photography assignment: negative space

Leanna Lofte

App and photo editor
Sep 7, 2008
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Photo assignment #4 - negative space!

The placement of your subject or subjects is incredibly important when it comes to creating powerful iPhone photo compositions, but just as important is everything around and between them ? the negative space. We started out our iPhoneography series by introducing the rule of thirds. Now we?re going to explore that other two thirds, how it defines the forms, leads the eye, and helps create more balanced, more visually interesting work.

So your assignment this week is to not only make good use of negative space, but to give your photos a good honest critique. Then head to the iMore Photography Forum and share both your photos and a critique of each photo you share. Then ask your fellow iMore iPhoneographers for their critique and offer up your own constructive criticism to their photos as well. Let?s grow as iPhoneographers, together!

I'm really looking forward to your photos! And I really want to stress the idea of critique. Let us know what you think you could've done better, and if you want to hear our opinions as well, let us know!

(Please, everyone, be respectful of each other and offer constructive criticism and positive feedback. Rude comments will not be tolerated.)