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Oct 19, 2008
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Hey guys, thought I would introduce myself. I am Chris, I live in New Jersey. I have had my 3g for about a month now, had the first gen iPhone for about 3 months before upgrading. I am a mod over at Glad to be here. I searched alot of iPhone forums over the past few months and decided to join this one. Seems like a great community.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
Hey guys, thought I would introduce myself. I am Chris, I live in New Jersey. I have had my 3g for about a month now, had the first gen iPhone for about 3 months before upgrading. I am a mod over at Glad to be here. I searched alot of iPhone forums over the past few months and decided to join this one. Seems like a great community.

Welcome to the forums! What device did you switch from? Coming from PPCGeeks I'm gonna guess some sort of HTC device?


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Oct 19, 2008
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Welcome to the forums! What device did you switch from? Coming from PPCGeeks I'm gonna guess some sort of HTC device?

Well, when I was on Sprint I started out with the PPC 6700 a few years ago just like the site owner Mike did(Wideawake, who also happens to own an iPhone BTW). From there the PPC madness evolved into me eventually upgrading when the Treo 700wx came out. I was dissapointed in the screen size and lack of WiFi so I went back to my 6700. Well, along came the Mogul. I absolutely loved the Mogul, but got sick and tired of Sprints lousy coverage at my house in Jersey, literally 5 min from Philly. My wife and I dropped Sprint after 5 years of service and switched to AT&T. I got the Tilt and she got the Pantech DUO. Loved the Tilt and loved AT&T's coverage at my house in Jersey and AT&T was the only provider of cell service at my moms house in Texas. I eventually got my hands on an iPhone 2G and it was great except Edge was super slow. As a gift, my sister got me the 3G iPhone about a month ago. I have been in love with the iPhone ever since. Sorry such a long story, but thats how I got into the gadget world as far as cell phones.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
Well, when I was on Sprint I started out with the PPC 6700 a few years ago just like the site owner Mike did(Wideawake, who also happens to own an iPhone BTW). From there the PPC madness evolved into me eventually upgrading when the Treo 700wx came out. I was dissapointed in the screen size and lack of WiFi so I went back to my 6700. Well, along came the Mogul. I absolutely loved the Mogul, but got sick and tired of Sprints lousy coverage at my house in Jersey, literally 5 min from Philly. My wife and I dropped Sprint after 5 years of service and switched to AT&T. I got the Tilt and she got the Pantech DUO. Loved the Tilt and loved AT&T's coverage at my house in Jersey and AT&T was the only provider of cell service at my moms house in Texas. I eventually got my hands on an iPhone 2G and it was great except Edge was super slow. As a gift, my sister got me the 3G iPhone about a month ago. I have been in love with the iPhone ever since. Sorry such a long story, but thats how I got into the gadget world as far as cell phones.

Sounds good. I spent some time on PPCGeeks, people over there were not the friendliest, and I'm not saying you were one of them, so I spent most of my time over at XDA.


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Oct 19, 2008
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Sounds good. I spent some time on PPCGeeks, people over there were not the friendliest, and I'm not saying you were one of them, so I spent most of my time over at XDA.

Yeah that site blew up really fast. When the ROM came out for the Mogul with the GPS enabled it attracted alot of people. Ever since then it has been growing and growing. I am sorry you had a bad experience over there. The other mods and I have tried to clean up the riff raff and I think we finally have things under control. There are always a few bad seeds now and again. Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and I look forward to helping out here as much as I can.

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