Recent content by Supes2000

  1. Supes2000

    To-Do Apps

    Hmmm, thats a big, complex question. For me, its Remember the milk. The reasons why are that I have access to my lists, online, on my phone, iPad and even through WAP. the downsides of RTM are that the app & services do not offer subtasks, BUT it does offer location based sorting, tagging, etc...
  2. Supes2000

    Let's meet up at the Apple store on the 24th!

    Anyone gonna be at the AT&T store in Crestwood, IL on the 24th??
  3. Supes2000

    Anyone get a shipping notice/tracking number yet?

    Apple has shipping contract with both UPS and FedEx. The best shipper is chosen for the package and situation. Furthermore, I was told by the Apple rep that it would be FedEx.
  4. Supes2000

    Anyone get a shipping notice/tracking number yet?

    I agree, think the lack of updates has anything to do with the whole gizmodo, 4g iPhone thing???? just thinking.
  5. Supes2000

    The official, "I finally got charged for my iPad 3G!" thread.

    I just posted this on another thread.... I spoke with Apple this morning, and was told that we will receive out iPad PRIOR to 5pm on Friday. Meaning that it will arrive on Friday, between 8am and 5pm, via FedEx. I gotta believe these iPads are in the USA. Otherwise, they would have shipped...
  6. Supes2000

    Anyone get a shipping notice/tracking number yet?

    I spoke with Apple this morning, and was told that we will receive out iPad PRIOR to 5pm on Friday. Meaning that it will arrive on Friday, between 8am and 5pm, via FedEx. I gotta believe these iPads are in the USA. Otherwise, they would have shipped already.
  7. Supes2000

    TomTom for Iphone & Music

    LOL!! That is the truth. I could have really used it a few days ago, settled for google maps, actually, I more excited about the accessory than the software.
  8. Supes2000

    TomTom for Iphone & Music

    Any updates on when this is coming out??
  9. Supes2000

    Will you skip the Iphone 3GS and wait for the Iphone rev4?

    I will not be upgrading... finally considering a jailbreak. WWDC was a disappointment for me on the part of both Apple and AT&T; albeit, more AT&T. For Apples part, I am upset that voice control will not be a part of the standard 3.0 upgrade (if I am wrong here, I happily eat my words and...
  10. Supes2000

    Matte or Shine? {New Image}

    I go back and forth... Hello all: I really like the function and grip of the matte finish, however, I LOVE the shine. I will use Bodyguardz or similar cover and enjoy both the shine and some additional grip. Once that starts to wear, I will then switch to the InCase matte finish slider...
  11. Supes2000

    Kindle for iPhone app outshines the Kindle

    Don't misunderstand me, I agree that the Kindle's main purpose is a reader, but I can't justify the cost considering the other features I am looking for, ie. web access, either don't exist or . The next version may sway me, and I will continue to keep an open mind, thanks Jamesus.
  12. Supes2000

    Kindle for iPhone app outshines the Kindle

    Hello my fellow iPhone lovers, its been a while since I have posted anything, but not much has been going on in my iPhone world that has not already been discussed to length already. Recently however, I have had an itch to buy some kind of a tablet-like device that has a larger screen, web...
  13. Supes2000

    Web Apps vs. Native apps -- REVISITED!!

    Web apps at Here's the link: http:// Enjoy! Davis
  14. Supes2000

    Web Apps vs. Native apps -- REVISITED!!

    Ironically, due to all the bugs, slowness, hangs and resets with 2.0; I decided to do an experiment. What would happen if erase all the native apps on the iPhone and stick with the core OS 2.0? Well, interestingly, all of the issues and bugs on the phone have disappeared. Not sure of it's...
  15. Supes2000

    Web Apps vs. Native apps -- REVISITED!!

    bigbrass- I am not arguing the free market system. Anyone can do whatever they wish. My points are that 3G speed void, in my mind, many of the gripes about web apps on EDGE. The fact that the iPhone 2.0 OS, is buggy, and that many of the apps are free vs. Native apps that costs; are added values...