Recent content by RejectKid

  1. R

    [CONTEST - CLOSED] Win your very own BB-8 remote control Star Wars mini droid from iMore!

    Re: [CONTEST] Win your very own BB-8 remote control Star Wars mini droid from iMore! pick me mah lord vader
  2. R

    Win an iPhone 4S from TiPb!

    I'm in need of a new iPhone 4s!!! I am still using the old iPhone 3G because I don't have the $$$ for a new one but omg I would love to win!!! Please tipb!!
  3. R

    GIVE AWAY: White iPhone 4

    White iPhone giveaway I one time put a $1500 for an executive desk chair which in comparison to my expensive 300$ one it must have been really good! Lol Hope I won!!
  4. R

    TiPb iPad 2 give away!

    I would LOVE an iPad 2! I love TiPb, ya'll always have up to date information, accurate, and all the rumors i like to read about! I subscribe to your RSS feeds via google reader and am most excited about ya'lls to read! thanks for being awesome!
  5. R

    TiPb iPad 32GB Wi-Fi + 3G give away!!

    I would love an iPad!! I would an iPad so much, the iPad is the most amazing device ever but I cannot afford one. They are so kewl and efficient. Being a poor college kid I never have any extra money. But if I did I would love to be able have one, me being a a school with many handicapped kids...