Recent content by Pierce283

  1. Pierce283

    Is the the battery life between the 6 and 5S is very big in terms of real life usage?

    Battery life on the 5s is similar to the 5.
  2. Pierce283

    How do you clean your Touch ID?

    Tape works really well to take off the grease.
  3. Pierce283

    Battery Life on 8.1

    How did you do this ? I can't break 6 hours on a single charge
  4. Pierce283

    iOS 8.1 released. Feedback/Bugs Thread

    If you have issues with the update going to settings and resetting all settings may help.
  5. Pierce283

    iOS 8 GM is out. Submit bugs/feedback here.

    So I had this bug in ios 8 beta 5 after enabling and disabling grayscale in accessability settings. But I do not remember how I fixed it.