Recent content by mm007

  1. mm007

    TiPb iPad 32GB Wi-Fi + 3G give away!!

    Christmas iPad I would love to be able to take one to Afghanistan next month :) I think an iPad would be the perfect device for keeping in touch with the family.
  2. mm007

    F.T.G.H. Otterbox Defender

    hmmm... looks like I need one more post to be able to PM. Oh wait. I think that will do it. ;)
  3. mm007

    What are your top 5 iOS apps?

    facebook siri reeder awesome note + todo sugarsync
  4. mm007

    What is your favorite case for iPad?

    otterbox defender
  5. mm007

    No Unlimited data?

    wi-fi is your only friend
  6. mm007

    F.T.G.H. Otterbox Defender

    I need a new one. I would love it. How do we do this?
  7. mm007

    Pick your favorite TiPb Store iPhone Case [Give-away] Just the best, cause you never know when you'll need it.
  8. mm007

    Iphone, Tmobile, my favs, Google Voice

    The phone has to be myfavs compatable. Ofcourse most T-Mobile phones are, also, the myfavs only works if you use the interface for it. i.e. If you use the internets to connect to Google Voice (so you dont have to enter the phone number manually) it will NOT count as a myfavs number. I have...
  9. mm007

    Caption Contest: KanyeBerry Says... What?

    KanyeBerry But you cant even multi-task! And, you dont have a hardware keyboard. Every one knows you have to have a hardware keyboard to do real work.
  10. mm007

    10 Year Anniversary Contest Thread

    Oh, the things I could buy with free money! -posted from my iPhone.
  11. mm007

    iPhone as a business phone?

    1. It is capable of push dependent on email client as Ipheuria stated. 2. You can set up Microsoft Exchange through email in settings. (I keep iPhone, Moto Q (Windows Mobile), and PC synced through exchange). 3 & 4.It does handle attachments. That being said I use DataViz Docstogo ($5) for...
  12. mm007

    TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away - Day Three!

    Well I went and did it, let my wife see the iPhone, now I'm stuck with my Moto Q. It is by far the dumbest smartphone I've ever seen. I have an iPod Touch (which I love) but I still have to carry that dang Q around with me everywhere. And the biggest reason I want to change...quadband. All my...
  13. mm007

    TiPb Birthday Bash: Win a mophie Juice Pack Battery Pack/Case for iPhone 3G!

    Why a Juice Pack would help me For starters, I'm in the Army. My day starts about 0430 and inevitabely someone is calling me by 0500 to tell me why they can't come to physical training. Then afterword, its not unusual to get a few calls about who has some appointment and can't get to work on...