Recent content by Jon Seals

  1. J

    Pics: Let's See Your Current Themes!

    I <3 my own themes :P
  2. J

    PlatinumRed (theme)

    I really need opinions on this/suggestions on stuff to add like widgets/etc, so don't be shy to let me know! Anyways... PlatinumRed is the first theme of the #RealisticThemes Alpha-series, and is my third shot at theming. I began creating this theme the day I got a white iPhone because there...
  3. J

    Help Unjailbreaking an iPhone 4 Verizon

    Plug in your phone and have iTunes running, hold home and power until you see the USB cable and iTunes logo, click restore.
  4. J

    What is jailbreaking all about

    Think of jailbreaking as unlocking your device to have fun stuff beyond applications. Look up the tweaks "barrel", "winterboard", and "SBSettings" to get an idea of the customization and fun you get from it. You can do stuff like allow things that are over 20mb to download over 3G, FaceTime...
  5. J

    Installing IPA file

    They're actually just .app files, .ipa is after it's been on the device and moved back to the computer. The device signs the .app with your signing profile.
  6. J

    Update with shsh

    Mac? Use PwnageTool Windows? Use Sn0wbreeze Grab your 4.3.3 ipsw from here Grab TinyUmbrella (Mac) (Windows) Open TinyUmbrella, click advanced, and check "set hosts to Cydia on exit", close it, and restart iTunes. Click simple mode in PwnageTool or Sn0wbreeze. SYNC WITH ITUNES!!! After...
  7. J

    New Theme messed up lock screen can anyone help?

    If you have SBSettings, you could open it, hit power, and hit safe mode. If you don't however, you can use iFunbox to delete the theme, when you reboot it should be back to normal (make sure you reboot tethered!!!) Get iFunbox from here, open it, navigate to /private/var/stash/themes.xxxxx/...
  8. J

    Possible To Change Default Camera On Lockscreen?

    There's also SpringTomize on Cydia.
  9. J

    jailbreaking question.

    T-Mobile to get seven-year 3G roaming deal, 128 markets of AWS spectrum from AT&T | The Verge Times have changed. They're getting the 1900MHz band too.
  10. J

    Installing IPA file

    If it's an ipa that means it's from the AppStore and will not install legally if you didn't buy it or don't have an ADC account. You could try searching Cydia if it's one of those rejected apps.
  11. J

    Tethered Jailbreak - stuck in boot loop

    If using the "just boot" option in redsn0w doesn't work, you'll need a restore.
  12. J

    State of iPad 2 JB....

    No. They said 5 exploits are needed for an untether in iOS 5+. They /had/ the 5 exploits but they got patched between when they said that and when iOS 5 was public.
  13. J

    Wondering about jailbreaking

    There is no jailbreak for the 4S. When there is one, all of the devs on twitter (@MuscleNerd, @p0sixninja, @iH8sn0w, @Pod2G, @Saurik) will tweet about it. Please do not ask them about it, that annoys them :)
  14. J

    How do I downgrade my ATV 2 from the latest update to 4.3.3

    If you never backed up SHSH's with TinyUmbrella, you can't. As for a future jailbreak/untether, nobody knows/will know until a release is here, not even the jailbreak devs.
  15. J

    5.0 jailbreak icon question

    This always annoys me. If the above steps don't work, open Cydia, click manage, click settings, click developer. Then search "UIKitTools" and reinstall it. Respring and they should be fine.