Recent content by hvigil75

  1. hvigil75

    Photos: condensing library and videos and iCloud. Any Help?

    Re: Photos: condensing library and videos and iCloud Hi Mike, Thank you! I don't think I had found this exact article. I do have all of these options checked. One last question, so this means that they are stored in iCloud unless I go into iCloud and delete them from iCloud. So now I am...
  2. hvigil75

    Photos: condensing library and videos and iCloud. Any Help?

    Photos: condensing library and videos and iCloud I have an iMac and a Macbook Pro. I have a very large photos library that has about 1500 videos in it (total items less than 16,000). The videos are eating u all of my hard drive memory. I purchased additional memory in iCloud and uploading...