Recent content by Andoresu47

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    Which Do You Prefer: Physical Copy or Digital Album?

    Digital. You can have it recorded in any physical medium if you want to. Plus the versatility of having the files in all your devices.
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    So no Ditto yet, however....

    I've been hunting for Dittos all week but still no luck. Just ended with a bunch of rattatas, pidgeys and ekans...-_-
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    What?s your favorite character on TV right now?

    Jon Snow from Game of Thrones.
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    Share your Pokemon Go Tips & Tricks!

    To get distance walked without actually walking, just disable high accuracy from location settings and set it to "GPS only". This will make your gps less accurate and your avatar will walk a few meters just by you being still. It is not that usefull to break 10km eggs, but if you only need a few...
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    How come you've all got so much Dittos? I've been catching everything that crosses my path and still nothing :/ I'll just have to keep trying... -_-
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    Advice on Purchasing the MacBook 2016

    My advisor is a researcher as well and he uses his macbook 2015 to run some specialized software, and so far he is very satisfied with performance, so I'd say you'll be fine with the 2016 macbook.
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    Game of thrones

    Searching through the forums I didn't find any game of thrones post so I decided I'd start one. What's your favorite episode so far?? [emoji106]
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    Name your most watched movie.

    The fellowship of the ring
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    Best Pokemon hatched from an Egg?

    I thought Syther was something rare to hatch from an egg, but I've been getting lots of them and I'm now sick of Sythers. The pokemon I value the most that was hatched from an egg I'd say is my Dratini. Specially because it hatched while the halloween event was going on, so I got double candies.
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    Nintendo Switch

    It sure seems pretty neat, but I kind of have some doubts. If it delivers the same graphics power as PS4 or Xbox One then it would certainly get hot, and battery life would be an issue as well. I do want to believe in this thing, but as of now, I don't know how realistic the teaser trailer is.
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    Do You Prefer iWork Or Microsoft Office?

    I prefer office. As much as I like iWork, office is more familiar.
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    Win a new Macbook Pro from iMore!

    I'm lucky I came upon this giveaway on the second day, I've been able to come back everyday for more entries :3
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    15 Inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar!

    I'm have been playing with the idea to replace my old laptop with the brand new 15 inch. How has it been so far? Is it truly as awesome as it looks?
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    How good is the New Macbook for programmers?

    It's great. You can code anywhere because of it's form factor and battery life is excellent.
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    New to Mac and Apple world

    Welcome to iMore, from a newbie like you :)