6s Buyer's Remorse?


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Aug 31, 2015
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Very happy with my 6s. I've previously owned a Note 4 and after a few short months I couldn't handle it anymore... The 6s size is perfect to me.


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Dec 13, 2015
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I'm a new iPhone user. Have been a Glalaxy/Note user for years and always upgrade when a new one comes out.

I decided to try Apple, for the first time, and struggled with the decision on the 6s vs 6 plus. I was already sporting a big phone (Note 4) so I wasn't surprised about the plus. After spending a few days at the T-Mobile store, playing around with each phone, I decided on the regular 6s. The discomfort of the Note in my pockets, or in my jogging pants/shorts and the fact that it was a two handed phone made my decision for a smaller phone. Its been a few weeks now and I'm happy.


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Dec 17, 2014
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Anybody buy the 6s and wish they had gotten the 6s Plus? I went ahead and got the big boy, the Plus, but I'm now wondering if the regular 6s would be better for me. I'm not at the remorse stage but I'm curious. The Plus is a handful. What I do like about it is the optical image stabilization for the camera. I'm not so concerned with pixel density - even my 5s had a sharp enough screen for me. Anyway, what do you 6s owners think? Did you get the right model?

Originally, when the iPhone 6 came out I ordered the 6 Plus. But with a month to wait for delivery I found myself visiting the Verizon store to fondle the demo units. I realized that I was not ready to commit to a phablet like the 6 Plus and that I would be better served by the regular 6, so I changed my order. Best decision I ever made. The 6 was perfect for me and I would not have been happy with the larger Plus model. Now, however, after getting used to the 6 I was much more prepared to make the move to the 6s Plus.

I did the dance last year and I'm doing it again this time around.

Last year I started with a 6 Plus, kept it for a week or so, decided I couldn't really deal with the size, found it clumsy and awkward, and exchanged it for a 6. I was a happy camper.

This year, after stopping in the Apple Store, I took right to the Plus that was on display. I figured I'd give it a shot. I wasn't 100% convinced, but it felt great in two hands, and tolerable in one, so I gave it a shot. I've had the Plus for about a month now. I still love that screen, and the battery life is insane (but too much of a good thing isn't always useful, I'll get in to that). But in terms of daily usage, I can't shake the fact that my old 6 was a joy to handle and use, two handed, or one handed. I never gave it any thought, at all. I think I've mastered handling the Plus as much as I'm going to master it, and I think in the end, I'm unsatisfied with how comfortable it is to use. Sitting around the house, or even slow days at work, it's fine, but get me in a busy situation, and the Plus shows it's negative side. I was in NYC on saturday, very large crowds. At any given moment I was holding my 3 year old or 6 year old child, sometimes pushing a stroller, and whipping the Plus out to fire off a quick text or check for messages, or take a picture, was tough. I haven't given up on the Plus completely, because I'm not sure if I can go back now, but I ordered a 6s that I should get tomorrow. I'm going to switch back and forth between the two and see which one I miss the most while using the other. Maybe there will simply be no going back from the larger screen, but on the other hand, maybe the joy of 100% confident and comfortable one handed use will be a worthwhile benefit. We shall see. I'm honestly as excited to be getting the smaller 6s as I was when I first got the Plus this time around.

I said it last year, and I still think the same this year... The 6s is a little too small, and the 6s Plus is a little too big. If Apple had a 5.1" iPhone out right now, that's the one I'd be using.

In terms of the stellar battery life on the Plus, I feel like I convince myself it's a benefit, but in daily usage, it's not really an asset. This weekend, I took it off charger at 8am Saturday. I didn't need to charge it until 7pm on Sunday. It's not that I didn't have access to a charge Saturday night, I just chose not to, because I didn't need to. I charge at night. I have a charger in my car (1.5 - 2.0 hours of commuting each day), and I have lightning chargers at my desk. I also have an Anker 5200mAh USB battery pack that's incredible and can charge and iPhone 6 almost twice. I have no real reason to NEED the kind of battery life the Plus has under the hood.

The true benefits for me are

screen resolution: I can see the difference, and I like the 1080p with the higher pixel saturation.
OIS: great for running around the yard with my kids, but other than this one specific use for image stabilization, I'm not usually running while taking video.
Greater visibility / zoomed mode: This is actually a big one for me. The regular 6/6s in standard viewing mode is just too small for me. I have good vision, but I don't like the tiny text. In zoomed mode on the 6/6s, you lose a row of desktop icons, and things become a little cramped looking. On the Plus, I also use zoomed mode, but you retain your icon count, and things do not look at all cramped and tight.
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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2013
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I have the 6S and every once in a while I wish I had the plus because I'm mobile 80% of the time and I like the screen real estate. However, I also use it one handed a lot and don't think I'd be able to do that with the plus.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2014
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I currently have a 6+ but I just ordered a 6s. The bigger screen is nice, but I find it hard to use the 6+ with one hand. Also, when lifting/running it's annoying to have to carry around such a large phone. If Apple can make the smaller bezels and reduce the overall footprint of the iPhone 7+ it may improve ergonomics and portability.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2014
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I got my 6s today (been using the 6s Plus for approximately a month). I wanted to do a real side my side comparison to help me determine which is the winner for me.

My opinions on both devices are already set. I know the pros and cons of both, yet it's still hard to choose. I'm leaning back and forth right now. The more I'm using the 6s the more normal it's beginning to feel in my hands. When I first unboxed it it was a bit of a shock.

I admit I'm liking the secure feeling in my hand of the 6s. I have no case on it and I feel there's basically no chance of me dropping it.

I'm going to try to not even look at my Plus for 24 hours and see if I can get back to where the 6s feels normal and the Plus feels big. At this moment, the Plus feels too big and the regular feels too small. They need to bust out a 5.1" iPhone!
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