Iphone 6 Earpiece Volume Very Low?


Jan 10, 2015
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Like setting the music app volume limit is going to affect the earpiece volume or that turning on hearing aid mode but using no hearing aid is going to affect the earpiece volume. The only thing that affects the earpiece volume is turng up the volume. And if it's still not loud enough there is either something wrong with your phone or your ears. Simple.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Like setting the music app volume limit is going to affect the earpiece volume or that turning on hearing aid mode but using no hearing aid is going to affect the earpiece volume. The only thing that affects the earpiece volume is turng up the volume. And if it's still not loud enough there is either something wrong with your phone or your ears. Simple.

Okay, and you somehow found offering suggestions in an attempt to help the OP laughable? #smh


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Feb 10, 2013
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Yes!! The plastic cover it came with. Talk about embarrassing. The rep said I'm not the only one that had this "issue." LOL

You are definitely not the only one. In my defense it was the Treo Pro and it was a small piece of plastic just covering the ear piece.

Glad it was that easy.

Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk


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Mark Vergeer

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Mar 26, 2015
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Mine is great. I run with earbuds, and even with traffic noises etc. I don't have the volume too far above halfway. I am using Sony ear buds, have you tried different ear pieces?

I had the same problem. I had to increase the volume all the way up to hear music through my old headphones. Just put the new headphones on that came with my iPhone 6. Problem solved. Volume at halfway is now perfect.

Hope this helps.


Oct 2, 2013
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For the record of this thread, I want to restate what I previously posted concerning turning Hearing Aid Mode on in Accessibility to increase the phone's volume. This actually does work. It did in mine and my Wife's phone. She has excellent hearing, and when she got her new 5c last year, she couldn't hear it. The volume was about half my iP 5. I did a search and found where it said Hearing Aid Mode turned on could increase volume. So I tried it on her phone. It worked. She was able to hear loud and clear. I then turned it on for my phone. It did increase my volume some. But not as much as it did on her 5c. Your mileage may vary, but if your iPhone doesn't seem to have the volume it should, it won't hurt to try this. It worked for us!

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5. ☮

yusuf ashraf

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Mar 30, 2015
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This may be a weird question but do the people who seem to be experiencing the volume thing, like me, have an iphone in the EU? I noticed that you can put an EU limit on the sound on EU iphones, but not those outside of the EU. I thought maybe this could also be a thing.

I noticed this problem when I was listening to the exact same song with the exact same earphones with my iphone 4 and iphone 6. The max volume on the iphone 6 is MUCH lower than the iphone 4.

Beautiful Luv

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Apr 8, 2015
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Thank you. Thank you. I was on the phone with apple support when i found your post! I went to the store, chat and called support. No one seemed to know the answer. For me it was the volume limit. All Fixed.


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May 12, 2015
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Yes, definitely a reduction in sound quality and volume from the iPhone 5. I noticed it immediately when I started using my new iPhone 6 three days ago. I even went back to the Apple Store to consult someone about it. Of course Apple would never admit it (and recall, what, like 10 million iPhones?) It's so sad that Apple has gone so downhill. This phone never should have been released without complete testing (obviously this would have been caught in a thorough QA round before release.) They cut corners. No surprise there. But I will definitely confirm that the volume is absolutely not as loud as iPhone 5. Plus it seems to default to a lower volume without warning...so I'm always having to turn it up to listen to my podcasts. It defaults to crappier volume if I cut away to answer a call or to do some other audio related task. I still have 10 days to return it. I may well do so if I discover there is an android with better volume. Also am open to finding earphones that double as volume boosters. But so far I have not.


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May 17, 2016
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I was just given an IPhone 6 recently as a present and was wondering why I couldn't hear people when I made phone calls and the speaker barely helped. I was looking around online and someone something about Phone Noise Cancellation. So I just went to settings and turned it off and now that i called my Hubby it was perfectly loud enough. Hope this helps.
Was wondering if anyone else has noticed the volume on the iPhone 6 earpiece volume to be pretty low? I either all of a sudden need a hearing aide since last week or if my iPhone 5 was a lot louder.. Having the 6 up to full volume is like what my ip5 sounded like at half.. Is anyone else experiencing this, or know a fix? I almost wonder if it is an Ios 8 problem since the speaker sounds good with no distortion other than being low


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May 29, 2016
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Dear All,
This is not a technical problem but the settings issue. Goto settings and disable phone noise cancellation in General/ accessibility tools.

Best Regards

Irtesam Haider


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Jun 22, 2016
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I am having the exact problem I thought the phone was broken its bran new even when I use the speaker phone part they can't hear me and the tone is extremely low the phone is bran new we should not be having these problems the phone is expensive we should be able to get more volume than that, I am almost tempted to go back to my iPhone 5 the speaker is loud and the phone still works good.


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Aug 8, 2016
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I've tried everything on forums and failed. Used software noise cancellation, Mono Audio, Bluetooth off, blowers, brushes.... I was considering changing my phone tomorrow because I could only use the loudspeaker. This afternoon a got a very fine NEEDLE and used to clear the earpiece and just punctured 2 holes in it that couldn't be seen without a magnifier, it's as good as new. Dust clogs the extremely fine holes in the piece and it wouldn't get cleared with blowers & brushes.



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Oct 6, 2016
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We just bought my wife a new iPhone 6 Plus and she immediately complained that she couldn't hear on the earpiece, even though it worked fine on speaker. My daughter went into Settings/general/accessibility and scrolled to the bottom where the slide bar is for audio balancing. She slid the balance about 1/2 way to the left and the speaker began working very well. Volume control now works as well.


Oct 2, 2013
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We just bought my wife a new iPhone 6 Plus and she immediately complained that she couldn't hear on the earpiece, even though it worked fine on speaker. My daughter went into Settings/general/accessibility and scrolled to the bottom where the slide bar is for audio balancing. She slid the balance about 1/2 way to the left and the speaker began working very well. Volume control now works as well.

Did one side work better than the other?


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Feb 10, 2017
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Was wondering if anyone else has noticed the volume on the iPhone 6 earpiece volume to be pretty low? I either all of a sudden need a hearing aide since last week or if my iPhone 5 was a lot louder.. Having the 6 up to full volume is like what my ip5 sounded like at half.. Is anyone else experiencing this, or know a fix? I almost wonder if it is an Ios 8 problem since the speaker sounds good with no distortion other than being low

Its probably because the headphones are dirty!
Put ur headphones in hot "boiling" water and move for like 5 seconds, then take it out, suck out the dirt and try cleaning it with a needle!! And here u go!! Good as new!!

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