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Converted from long time hater to iphone evangelist

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Jan 17, 2010
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A little background on me... I have been selling wireless products for twelve years this May. My first "smart device" was a BlackBerry. I have used every device RIM offered up until the OS 7 series devices. I have also used all of Palm's devices up to and including webOS. I have also carried multiple Windows Phone and Android devices. To say I know the field would be a redundancy.

Thinking back to when the iPhone launched, originally, I remember thinking that it was a novel idea but given my very low opinion of WinMo at the time, I didn't understand what would possess still another computer manufacturer to join the smart-phone business. When it was launched without 3G, my first thought was, "Fools, everyone knows that Business/Power-Users need the speed of 3G. I even thought that the whole app concept was complete nonsense. Little did I know how wrong I was.

For the last five years, I have sold iPhones to customers that had no clue why they wanted an iPhone and even to customers that don't realize iPhone is an actual device not a category and cried all the way to the bank. After five years of watching others enjoy, I had to jump into the pool. (I am the only iPhone owner in my store and all of my coworkers swear that my trade from Android (Galaxy SII) to an iPhone 4s is a blasphemy I will live to regret. I rather doubt it. What I cant figure out now is why on earth I waited so long to join the iPhone team. But I digress...

I would like to share why I made the switch and hopefully help some others that are delaying making the change...

1. It "doesnt do anything" that is, it isn't busy. What is arguably Android's biggest selling point has, for me, become its largest drawback. When looking at the screen of an Android, I am regularly inundated with information, unless I remove all the widgets. I don't seem to have that problem with iPhone. I know where to go to get what I want and get it on my terms.

2. Ridiculously accurate. I know its not possible, but I think the phone actually understands my dialect, colloquialisms, and thought processes and then learns to talk like me while I am texting. Despite being an entire inch larger (4.5 inches on the GSII), my GSII) was no where close to as accurate. I cannot believe that I can actually type faster and more accurately on the iPhone.

3. To hell and back reliability With Android, I would have some form of force close at least once every couple days. So far nothing remotely similar on iPhone.

Lastly (for me at least) Turns out there really is an app for that I manage a customer base with approximately 1000 active accounts. There, literally, has not been an app that I have searched for without finding. Everything from CRM, to Salesforce Automation and even relaxation.

I am not a gamer but I realize that many of you are. That being said, there is no arguing the fact that the iPhone offers the best multimedia experience on the market.

I am surprised and very happy to say that I love my new iPhone.


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Jun 17, 2008
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Welcome to the iFamily and iMore. The iPhone is an awesome device and I've owned every one, including the original on launch day when it was $600!

There is an app for that... That statement is so true, it's not even a joke any more. I currently use iOS (iPad and iPhone), BlackBerryOS (9930) and windows phone (Focus and Focus S). I have the GSII as well, but I dislike android and really don't care for it.

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk


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Jun 10, 2011
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Welcome! I currently own an iPhone 4 and a BB 9900. The iPhone I've had for a year and I love and adore it. The 9900 is a recent acquisition. I'm currently on a challenge to use it for a full month without putting my sim back in my iPhone. I'm at the halfway mark and while I'm rediscovering some of what I loved about BlackBerries (the 9900 is far and away the best BB I've ever used), I find myself at least once a day picking up my iPhone and using it on wifi. Just for a few minutes.

I am pretty much your twin, I also sell wireless for a living. I've used a LOT of phones (only OS I haven't owned is WinMo). I think my favorite OS is probably WebOS, but I left Android because it was just too much...work. I love the simplicity of iPhone.

I miss the notification LED. We need a LED and Apple equivalent of BeBuzz.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk


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May 8, 2011
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welcome to the iPhone family!! I too was a long user of Android and probably will never go back to Android. Sticking with iPhone.


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Jan 23, 2010
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Your points are all true. The stability, the reliability, the simplicity, the high quality - it's just all there and, IMO, just cannot be beat.


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Dec 31, 2011
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I was in the same boat - resisted as long as I could. Then in January I jumped off the RIM ship and onto iOS.

My first smart phone was the BB 9000, from there I went on to many Berrys (9700, 9780, 9900 and the PlayBook). Well my pc finally died and my relatives talked me into a MacBook Pro (June) - then in December they all pitched in and got me an iPad 2 - they were tired of me playing knock off games on the PlayBook while they were all playing against each other. So in January I decided to just get the iPhone 4s to complete the collection.


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Feb 15, 2010
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I've used far too many phones too, Winmo, a few androids, lots of BB's... but I always end up back with my iPhone I've had one for over 3 years on and off but always go back to the iPhone, android is just too much work haha and BB's feel archaic... and windows phone 7 is nice and all but the screen resolution sucked... I find myself getting bored now too but nothing really sways my interest enough to even actually switch, I look around to buy another phone but never go through with it.

I got an iPad 2 in november of this past year and got a MacBook air in august just prior to that so there doesn't seem to be any point to switch to anything but I need some sort of refreshing in my love for iProducts.


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Nov 24, 2011
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webOS lover loves iPhone

I was a Palm Treo user, then HTC smartphone (can't remember the name of it!), then the glorious Pre 1 & 2 with webOS. After Sprint got the iPhone, I finally gave in and got the 4S.

It wasn't long (1 month) before I saw the wisdom of going "all in" with Apple and I got a new iMac.

2 weeks ago, I got the iPad 3.

2 nights ago, got the new Apple TV.


Sure, I miss the best UI in the business: webOS (not to mention the Touchstone!).

But I love Apple's stuff, iCloud, and the ecosystem integration.

No regrets, none at all.


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Aug 12, 2010
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My mobile phone sales and use began in 1985(Alpine 9500, Motorola 8000S). In 1993, I got my first Handheld device, the HP 95LX running DOS using a 300 baud modem. Then I went to the Jornadas using Windows mobile. In 2005 I started using BlackBerry. I to did not like Apple products including the iPhone, since everything had to go through iTunes. I felt that was too controlling. When the iPhone 4 came out, and the Dev team had an unlock for it, I bought one. I now understand why apple has everything going throu iTunes. Part is greed and the part I do like is control to prevent viruses. I I have since converted my family to IPhones, iPads and other iOS devices. It is amazing to see how this industry has changed. When I started using BB I never thought I would see a day that their very existence would be threatened.



Well-known member
Oct 7, 2011
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A little background on me... I have been selling wireless products for twelve years this May. My first "smart device" was a BlackBerry. I have used every device RIM offered up until the OS 7 series devices. I have also used all of Palm's devices up to and including webOS. I have also carried multiple Windows Phone and Android devices. To say I know the field would be a redundancy.

Thinking back to when the iPhone launched, originally, I remember thinking that it was a novel idea but given my very low opinion of WinMo at the time, I didn't understand what would possess still another computer manufacturer to join the smart-phone business. When it was launched without 3G, my first thought was, "Fools, everyone knows that Business/Power-Users need the speed of 3G. I even thought that the whole app concept was complete nonsense. Little did I know how wrong I was.

For the last five years, I have sold iPhones to customers that had no clue why they wanted an iPhone and even to customers that don't realize iPhone is an actual device not a category and cried all the way to the bank. After five years of watching others enjoy, I had to jump into the pool. (I am the only iPhone owner in my store and all of my coworkers swear that my trade from Android (Galaxy SII) to an iPhone 4s is a blasphemy I will live to regret. I rather doubt it. What I cant figure out now is why on earth I waited so long to join the iPhone team. But I digress...

I would like to share why I made the switch and hopefully help some others that are delaying making the change...

1. It "doesnt do anything" that is, it isn't busy. What is arguably Android's biggest selling point has, for me, become its largest drawback. When looking at the screen of an Android, I am regularly inundated with information, unless I remove all the widgets. I don't seem to have that problem with iPhone. I know where to go to get what I want and get it on my terms.

2. Ridiculously accurate. I know its not possible, but I think the phone actually understands my dialect, colloquialisms, and thought processes and then learns to talk like me while I am texting. Despite being an entire inch larger (4.5 inches on the GSII), my GSII) was no where close to as accurate. I cannot believe that I can actually type faster and more accurately on the iPhone.

3. To hell and back reliability With Android, I would have some form of force close at least once every couple days. So far nothing remotely similar on iPhone.

Lastly (for me at least) Turns out there really is an app for that I manage a customer base with approximately 1000 active accounts. There, literally, has not been an app that I have searched for without finding. Everything from CRM, to Salesforce Automation and even relaxation.

I am not a gamer but I realize that many of you are. That being said, there is no arguing the fact that the iPhone offers the best multimedia experience on the market.

I am surprised and very happy to say that I love my new iPhone.
A great testimonial spoken from someone who actually used other devices.
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