Hi All, I switched from BB10 to the iPhone 5s


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Nov 7, 2012
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Not at all true. It had fewer sales than anticipated but it did not have a high return rate, most of the people who bought it were/are bberry

Actually your wrong.
The z10 does indeed have an unusually high return rate. In fact one carrier here in the uk actually sells those return models as "like new".

"Fewer sales than anticipated" is like cling the titanic a dinghy. I believe blackberry had two write downs concerning the z10 and unsold/returned inventory. Not pretty.

Oh and most bbry fans have transitioned to the iPhone or an
Android phone not bb10.

But carriers gave it zero love. Try going in and asking about it, first thing sales people said either what is it didn't know about it, or why do you want a bberry let me show you and iphone or this Samsung. This was exact experience I had and many notes it in crack berry forums.

Most carriers don't even carry bb10 in stores anymore. It's either available for enterprise customers or direct fulfillment.

Haven't you heard Blackberry is retreating from the consumer market.
In 2014 they will be focusing on the enterprise, and a handful of emerging markets such as Mexico and Indonesia.


Jan 4, 2014
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Actually your wrong.
The z10 does indeed have an unusually high return rate. In fact one carrier here in the uk actually sells those return models as "like new".

"Fewer sales than anticipated" is like cling the titanic a dinghy. I believe blackberry had two write downs concerning the z10 and unsold/returned inventory. Not pretty.

Oh and most bbry fans have transitioned to the iPhone or an
Android phone not bb10.

Most carriers don't even carry bb10 in stores anymore. It's either available for enterprise customers or direct fulfillment.

Haven't you heard Blackberry is retreating from the consumer market.
In 2014 they will be focusing on the enterprise, and a handful of emerging markets such as Mexico and Indonesia.

Exactly, people who actually purchased a bb10 device had not significant returns. You said they chose it over a bb os7 device, os7 not only is a different OS, it works nothing like bb10. Why do people keep talking about berry as there isn't a brand new set of devices and built from groundup OS not remotely related to previous bb OS, heck, berry bought Quantum creator of QNX in order to build the bb10 OS. Bb10 being a QNX underneath.

Again, the berry bb10 launch was horrible this was before they fired everyone including the CEO , and then beginning this transition to enterprise focus. There was 0 carrier support at the launch, 9 months ago, I mean literally I went into 3 different stores and sales people tried to talk me out of buying the z10 or k new nothing about the phone. This was 9 months ago, the move to not carrying berry was last month, ... The fault was berry, did horrific job marketing as well as channel partnering, with carriers on the hook to sell millions of iPhones especially as well as Samsungs , I understand but dayum to actively try and talk people out of a purchase they've already decided to make are you serious. Crack berry had entire threads dedicated to how atrocious the in store experience was for someone looking to buy bb10 at launch.



Jan 4, 2014
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Actually your wrong.
The z10 does indeed have an unusually high return rate. In fact one carrier here in the uk actually sells those return models as "like new".

"Fewer sales than anticipated" is like cling the titanic a dinghy. I believe blackberry had two write downs concerning the z10 and unsold/returned inventory. Not pretty.

Oh and most bbry fans have transitioned to the iPhone or an
Android phone not bb10.

Most carriers don't even carry bb10 in stores anymore. It's either available for enterprise customers or direct fulfillment.

Haven't you heard Blackberry is retreating from the consumer market.
In 2014 they will be focusing on the enterprise, and a handful of emerging markets such as Mexico and Indonesia.

Comments on launch carriers especially AT&T gave it little love at launch, reps are cited to push iphone and samsung, experience does vary


Also, article pointing to berry asking SEC to investigate how false rumor started about z10 rates being higher than normal, it's patently false. Mindshare is a powerful thing the press negativity is working as self fulfilling prophesy of demise



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Nov 7, 2012
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Comments on launch carriers especially AT&T gave it little love at launch, reps are cited to push iphone and samsung, experience does vary


Yes carrier reps were pushing other phones because they didn't want to deal with the angry frustrated customers and the returns anymore.

Same thing happened with palm.

Also, article pointing to berry asking SEC to investigate how false rumor started about z10 rates being higher than normal, it's patently false. Mindshare is a powerful thing the press negativity is working as self fulfilling prophesy of demise


Hahaha Blackberry has two class action lawsuits for misleading its investors by pulling stunts like that.

"The suit accuses BlackBerry of ?making a series of materially false and misleading statements and omissions related to the Company?s business and operations,? relating to its Sept. 20 pre-announcement of a huge quarterly loss. Seven days later, the company reported a $965 million operating loss."

"In reality, the BlackBerry 10 was not well-received by the market, and the company was forced to ... lay off approximately 4,500 employees, totalling approximately 40 percent of its total workforce," the complaint alleges.



"A class action lawsuit against BlackBerry Ltd. is demanding financial compensation on behalf of Canadian shareholders who bought stock between September 2012 and September 2013, saying the company did not declare the full extent of its financial difficulty to retail investors.

The lawsuit was launched Tuesday in Quebec Superior Court. It is the second class action lawsuit on behalf of shareholders, following one launched in New York on Oct. 5.

"For almost a full year, BlackBerry management made market statements based on prophecy rather than fact. Thousands of Canadians who invested in BlackBerry Ltd. in the past year have lost hundreds of millions of dollars." said Tony Merchant, the lawyer representing current and former BlackBerry shareholders.

The class action lawsuit alleges that BlackBerry senior management misrepresented how well the BlackBerry 10 line of smartphones was received by consumers and the public.

It also alleges the full extent of BlackBerry?s financial trouble wasn?t revealed until Sept. 20, 2013, when the company announced a writedown of close to $1 billion in the third quarter and said it would lay off 40 per cent of its workforce."


Bb10 was such a failure it cost rim over 6 billion dollars. That is not perception that is reality.

So is the fact that rim is EXITING the consumer market because of it.


Jan 4, 2014
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FFR, the lawsuits have nothing to do with the number of returns, what's the point. As stated the number of returns was not greater than other smart phones. Fact.

The suits have to do with number of sales. And unsold inventory. I personally can't seem to understand why you would relish in actual demise of what is a very good product. The last thing you would want is homogeny in the market as a consumer.


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Nov 7, 2012
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FFR, the lawsuits have nothing to do with the number of returns, what's the point. As stated the number of returns was not greater than other smart phones.

And who stated that?
Ah yes the same company being sued for misleading the investors by falsifying statements regarding bb10 performance, or lack there of.

The suits have to do with number of sales. And unsold inventory..

Aka: returned inventory.

I personally can't seem to understand why you would relish in actual demise of what is a very good product.

It's not a good product hence the lack of sales. You know the fact that bb10 has shipped (not sold) less than 6 million phones for 2013, costing it over 6 billion dollars in loses for the year.

Perhaps we have different definitions of a good product.

As for what you call "relishing", I'm actually correcting the misinformation you seem to be spreading regarding bb10. (Which is a lot btw, almost every one of your posts seems to be promoting bb10).

The last thing you would want is homogeny in the market as a consumer.

Another one of your fallacies you seem to be spreading.

What do you call iOS, android, and WM. Even without blackberry the market is quite far from homogeneous.

Blackberry already left the consumer market. Carries are just waiting for inventory to dry up.


Jan 4, 2014
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And who stated that?
Ah yes the same company being sued for misleading the investors by falsifying statements regarding bb10 performance, or lack there of.

Aka: returned inventory.

It's not a good product hence the lack of sales. You know the fact that bb10 has shipped (not sold) less than 6 million phones for 2013, costing it over 6 billion dollars in loses for the year.

Perhaps we have different definitions of a good product.

As for what you call "relishing", I'm actually correcting the misinformation you seem to be spreading regarding bb10. (Which is a lot btw, almost every one of your posts seems to be promoting bb10).

Another one of your fallacies you seem to be spreading.

What do you call iOS, android, and WM. Even without blackberry the market is quite far from homogeneous.

Blackberry already left the consumer market. Carries are just waiting for inventory to dry up.

There are basically iOS and android now , with windows phone soon moving into 3rd position.

Finally, blackberry did not leave consumer market they are just refocusing on the prosumer market. The bottom line is players leaving the market is never good for a buyer , it doesn't matter that there is iOS and android, my point is less choices is not good for the purchasee in a capitalistic system. What is disinformation about that?

And you make so many invalid claims it's ridiculous, bb10 selling had nothing to do with it not being a good product, it's in fact a great product. Business 101 tells you having a great product is not the determinate of sales. Betamax was better than VHS , who won out?

Also, blackberry did not get sued for returned inventory. Returned inventory implies someone bought the product but for whatever reason , returned it. Your implication being people bought the product didn't like it ... And moved on. This is false, #1 people who bought a bb10 were no less satisfied than people who bought an iphone , and returns were pretty much and are the same across the industry. #2 the report by 1 analyst who spread this lie was in march 2013. #3 the lawsuit deals with bberry unsold inventory , not sold and returned stemming from September 2013, well after the fiasco with the analyst.

Dude, come on now, I don't care that you disagree, I don't care that you prefer iOS, I just want you to be straight and not make up isht about the competition , enjoy your phone.

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Mar 14, 2011
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I like they BlackBerry operating system. I just dislike Android and Google so much. Want BlackBerry to be BlackBerry. Blah.


Jan 4, 2014
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Ok Thanks. That's what I was wondering. I have no interest in side loading. I hope they get native apps soon!

Yes, but native apps will take years people forget that iOS app system is 7 years old. Also. Unless there is some performance gain there is no need to write a native app, as the android ports run in bb10. An app like BOA, probably wouldn't gain much from native app, although lots of cool features that native apps can take advantage of like headless apps, meaning an app that can run without actually being open. Integration to hub, etc....

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Aug 11, 2012
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Ok Thanks. That's what I was wondering. I have no interest in side loading. I hope they get native apps soon!

Not very likely. Now that Blackberry is leeching off Android's app ecosystem, I think you're going to see fewer and fewer native apps on the platform. Why would a developer waste time to build an app for a miniscule Blackberry 10 userbase, when they could develop it for Android, and submit it to Blackberry's app store as well for zero extra effort. Plus, with Blackberry pulling out of the consumer space, any native apps will likely be limited to purpose-built business apps.


Jan 4, 2014
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70 million isn't exactly minuscule, that puts you squarely as #3

Just comparatively minuscule

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Mar 14, 2011
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Yup, it now has every app that exists on android a button away.

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I was just looking into this in cb. Looks like the Bank of America mobile deposits does not work on BlackBerry. I'll keep waiting. That's a big one for me.

andrewwdai said:
01-19-2014 10:02 AM
I know it does not work for Bank of America and Wells Fargo in U.S. Not sure if I need to open another bank account and give it a try. Sad, sad, sad, there is something wrong with either camera compatibility or apk itself. Even converted into BARs and sideloaded it but no luck.


Jan 4, 2014
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I was just looking into this in cb. Looks like the Bank of America mobile deposits does not work on BlackBerry. I'll keep waiting. That's a big one for me.

andrewwdai said:
01-19-2014 10:02 AM
I know it does not work for Bank of America and Wells Fargo in U.S. Not sure if I need to open another bank account and give it a try. Sad, sad, sad, there is something wrong with either camera compatibility or apk itself. Even converted into BARs and sideloaded it but no luck.

Yeah, that's no good, I never use mobile deposits though... For me not an issue but bet it is for SBs or those without direct deposit...

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Mar 14, 2011
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Yeah. It's one thing having an app. It's another if that app actually works and is efficient.

A lot of apps are not yet available headless either. According to cb anyway. Bummer.