should i move from Blackberry to iPhone


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Sep 5, 2011
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First let me say I use a phone more for texting and email more than anything. I will look on the web once in a while. I am a business man and 56 years old so I'm not into all this young crowd stuff about sharing this and sharing that. I'm old school and like my privacy but do have a Facebook account and poke around once in a while but don't live and breathe it. Now comes my point. Can iPhone handle the day to day more business use. Like viewing office files and pdf and emails and texting on the fly. Thats what is more important to me. I love the blackberry apps like travel,maps,traffic and such. I use them almost daily. How does the iPhone stack up. What apps would I need to download right off the bat to hit the ground running. Remember I am in no hurry. While I am eligible for a upgrade at this time I am in the mood to wait for the BB10 devices due at the end of the year but also realize the the next iPhone update is also due toward the end of the year. So whats on the horizon is anybody's guess but we all know it will be a improvement over whats out there right now. My knowledge of apple is limited to the macair laptop I use which I throughly love. I am looking for real constructive info so lets keep it real.


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Oct 29, 2011
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I have only had 3 Black berry devices.The last one was the 9550. I loved it. What i did not like was being tied to RIM, as in if their server went down i was not getting my emails. Honestly you wont have to download many apps to get you going. I get my email in a timely manner, yes i use it for work, texting is a snap and functionality of the phone just works, only thing i miss is the sound profiles, but then again if i am asleep i dont want to be woken up by a phone call or text.You do not have to deal with battery pulls or rebooting the phone, just need to let the battery run down once and a while for calibration purposes. hope i helped
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Oct 1, 2009
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The biggest thing that I have found for the older crowd is the learning curve of a virtual keyboard. You can view excel, word, PowerPoint, PDF files, but not edit them by default.
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Sep 5, 2011
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Thanks Joe I appreciate the insight. I have never owned a iPhone of any version and its all really sorta scary to make the change afraid you'll be sorry in the end. There are a lot of people that just beat the old horse to death about the physical keyboard but I don't think that would be that much of a issue. I played with the iPhone is the local apple store and the touch keyboard seems to be work pretty good. It seems to me to be very spot on as far as pressing the keys and getting what you wanted. No tike some I've seen where you may get the letter next to the one you pressed. Seems like everybody has a app for the iPhone every time I want to do something oh its not available for the blackberry. I'm not a gamer and all that social stuff the young crowd is into so I doubt I would be concerned about that. I need a tool to help me get stuff done and thats the road I'm going down. Will it handle office files and pdf files stock or do I need to download some apps or something to get it to speed? If you have used a blackberry you know that it is one heck of a communication device especially the newer OS7 devices. As far as editing and creating office files and such I'm sure something will need to be downloaded.


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Oct 7, 2009
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how about just leave BlackBerry period. when i left it was the best decision i have ever made. never looked back

it really is sad how far behind they are


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Jun 17, 2008
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If it's email and SMS you're worrying about, then you have nothing to worry about. The iPhone is IMO, one of the best in that department. If it's for pushing Live/Hotmail, then the iPhone isn't the best for that. Yahoo, Gmail and Exchange emails seem to work better for me on the iPhone than my BlackBerry. Being able to put emails in to their folders or even looking for certain emails in those folders is the best part.


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Sep 12, 2008
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If it's email and SMS you're worrying about, then you have nothing to worry about. The iPhone is IMO, one of the best in that department. If it's for pushing Live/Hotmail, then the iPhone isn't the best for that. Yahoo, Gmail and Exchange emails seem to work better for me on the iPhone than my BlackBerry. Being able to put emails in to their folders or even looking for certain emails in those folders is the best part.

Hotmail can be setup as Exchange exactly like Gmail. I have a Gmail and Hotmail account set up with Exchange and they push just fine. I know that the Yahoo one doesn't push anymore unless you're signed up for their premium service.
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Jun 17, 2008
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Hotmail can be setup as Exchange exactly like Gmail. I have a Gmail and Hotmail account set up with Exchange and they push just fine. I know that the Yahoo one doesn't push anymore unless you're signed up for their premium service.
Yahoo is still pushing for me. Tried the hotmail and worked perfectly. It even automatically put the server info.


Nov 1, 2011
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I just switched from a bold 9930....some things I really miss. REALLY miss. iPhone is good, but it's personal. Pros and cons for each are tied so far.


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Nov 27, 2003
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Went from a Storm 2 to an iPhone 4S almost 3 months ago.
Never regretted it at all.
Met all my expectations and then some.
I can't think of anything that wioild prevent you from conducting business on an iPhone 4S.

On a side note- there is no bedside mode. But then again, RIM hosed my bedside mode with the last OS update to the 9550.

I say go for it.

Good Luck


Apr 8, 2012
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I switched frm Bold9700 to iPhone 4s.

The main plus in iPhone is
1) Camera - it is equipped with point & shoot camera with HD features. I don't hv to carry my camera with me at all times. And can get to capture memorable moments at any time of the day

2) Push email - one of the main feature that I like abt iPhone over BB is that it works very well with MS Exchange without violating my company's security rule. In BB I've to configure enterprise level. If I configure through outlook web access , it performs slower than iPhone. The delay is at least 3 to 5 mins, sometimes it can go as long as 10 mins.

3) Apps - apps are move up to date in iPhone. BB is a bit dry & boring even though it is of the same apps. For example I use Tune-in radio Internet, I find the interface is so much better in iPhone. Book reader , I love iBook. And web browser is great and performs faster than BB web browser. iPhone supports Skype which allows me to stay connected, but not for BB.

Overall I find iPhone is so much better than BB for general use. I really don't know how to classify power users for mobile connectivity. In my opinion what BB can do, iPhone can perform reasonably well. However not so true for BB. In this respect iPhone scores better as a multiple purpose general day to day mobile content device.


Feb 17, 2012
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I have switched from bb torch to iPhone 4 last year and to be honest after using iPhone I dont feel like using any other phone. You might not surf web or do limited things but when you have an iPhone you can do many things. I still remember that my torch used to freeze while watching YouTube videos and lack of apps from bb. But on iPhone you have the best AppStore with apps for almost everything. I regret why I spended so much on under powered bb phones that have nothing but bb services for which you have to pay a premium amount.


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Apr 14, 2012
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i switched last week friday... i was gonna hold on to my bb for a week. but i decided to rip the band-aid off fast rather than slow and got rid of my bb the minute i unboxed my white 4s ... Happy so far... Missing my keyboard a little when i have those friends that wanna have a super long in depth convo... but im managing well without it :)


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2011
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i switched last week friday... i was gonna hold on to my bb for a week. but i decided to rip the band-aid off fast rather than slow and got rid of my bb the minute i unboxed my white 4s ... Happy so far... Missing my keyboard a little when i have those friends that wanna have a super long in depth convo... but im managing well without it :)

Why not user Siri instead of typing?


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Mar 2, 2012
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Best move I made just a few months ago. I was using a 9650 and had 2 9630s. My 4s blows them out the water. RIM is so far behind who knows if they will ever work it out. I was a loyal BB user, but any more.
As far pushed mail and sms, no worries. My 4s does what my BB did and much more.
Feb 21, 2012
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I didnt want to part ways with my BB mainly because I like having buttons and was not fond of the touch screen at all....but glad I did....the iPhone is amazing and does so much more than what a Blackberry can do.....


Retired Moderator
Mar 9, 2009
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Hotmail can be setup as Exchange exactly like Gmail. I have a Gmail and Hotmail account set up with Exchange and they push just fine. I know that the Yahoo one doesn't push anymore unless you're signed up for their premium service.

Hotmail does indeed push. I have no premium account.

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