Which GB space should I decide on?


iMore Question

Yesterday my friend and I had both of our iPhones stolen from a bag during our graduation. Though I have iCloud tracking, my phone has been turned off by whoever has taken it, and even when the phone is turned on, there's no guarantee I'll get it back. I'm also considering the erase data option, because I'm worried about any information that might be taken from it, if the lock code is cracked.
It was also a pretty grubby iPhone 4, purchased aaalll the way back in 2010. I have to say that little guy has been pretty damn durable, but certainly has been reaching it's end. It was extremely slow with the new iOS, the home button didn't work, and there were all kinds of issues.
To get to my point, I've wanted a new phone for awhile now, and at this point I can afford one on my own. I'm considering the iPhone 5c, but I have no clue what amount of GB to put on it. I don't particularly put music on it (I usually keep to spotify), I never used a ton of apps, I didn't use it for movies... I did have a lot of pictures and some videos.
Does this mean 16GB would be more useful to me?
On the other hand, that room can run out fast.... I think I'd maybe appreciate the option of 32GB because if I changed my mind, I could add music from iTunes, I could have a lot of apps, and etc.? If I bought a 5c, I probably would not plan on buying another phone for another 4 or more years.
So, what do you guys think?


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
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Whichever it would be in your benefit to go with the 32 GB. You can have extra space and never use it but you cant add it if you find later you could have used it.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2013
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First congratulations on your graduation!
Sorry to hear that you had your phone taken and now need to replace. I would factor in what storage you had before along with what you can afford. The positive thing is that what ever you get will be faster than what you had.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2010
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i would prefer 5C or 5S 32Gb - In case if you want to Put few of your favorite songs and maybe some Application that maybe work for you :)


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2011
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Yesterday my friend and I had both of our iPhones stolen from a bag during our graduation. Though I have iCloud tracking, my phone has been turned off by whoever has taken it, and even when the phone is turned on, there's no guarantee I'll get it back. I'm also considering the erase data option, because I'm worried about any information that might be taken from it, if the lock code is cracked.
It was also a pretty grubby iPhone 4, purchased aaalll the way back in 2010. I have to say that little guy has been pretty damn durable, but certainly has been reaching it's end. It was extremely slow with the new iOS, the home button didn't work, and there were all kinds of issues.
To get to my point, I've wanted a new phone for awhile now, and at this point I can afford one on my own. I'm considering the iPhone 5c, but I have no clue what amount of GB to put on it. I don't particularly put music on it (I usually keep to spotify), I never used a ton of apps, I didn't use it for movies... I did have a lot of pictures and some videos.
Does this mean 16GB would be more useful to me?
On the other hand, that room can run out fast.... I think I'd maybe appreciate the option of 32GB because if I changed my mind, I could add music from iTunes, I could have a lot of apps, and etc.? If I bought a 5c, I probably would not plan on buying another phone for another 4 or more years.
So, what do you guys think?

I think if you have the money, get the larger storage model. It is better to have it and not need it, than not have it and need it. 16gb fills up fast, I wasn't a "big user" when it came to storing things on iPhone and I would always be worried about running out of space and when new OS updates came if i would have to delete things to make room. 32gb should be the base model for apple, 16gb just doesn't cut it with how large apps are becoming.


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Sep 12, 2008
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Personally, I will always gravitate to the largest possible size I can get. When I purchased my 5s, I got 64GB, and would've gotten 128GB if it were available. The justification for me is easy to make - for another $100, I double the storage from the lower-priced model. We tend to use up lots of space - and over time it will generally fill up for me. I'm very interested in local storage of as much media as I can cram into the device - especially video on the iPad, and audio on the iPhone.

My girlfriend has a 16GB iPad 2, and has trouble even performing iOS updates, as it's constantly full. I think 32GB is good for most folks, though.


Mar 11, 2013
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Sorry to hear about your loss

On the good side Congratulations on your Graduation

As mentioned above your best buy would be a 5s with at least 32GB to ensure a smooth 4 years of problem and lag free use. iOS 8 is being announced next week so you want to stay ahead of the tech game

Lastly put some thought into Joining our great community full of like minded people we would be honored to have you as a member of iMore


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
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Or if you can wait get the iPhone 6 with 32 GB of storage

Sent from my iPhone 5S or Jailbroken 5th gen iPod Touch using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2013
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You have to consider this.

16gb is really only 12gb-13gb.

Major OTA iOS updates could require around 2gb of free space.

Do you like taking loads of photos and videos? 8mp photos and 1080P videos will use up space quickly.

Do your friends like sending you photos and videos? That too will eat up your available space.

Apps these days are using up quite a bit more space. Facebook, Spotify and Angry Birds Go are just a small selection of apps that after installing end up hundreds of mb larger than when you first installed them.

If it was me I would go for 32gb as a minimum.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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ConGrats on Graduating. I would have to agree with the majority. Go with the 5s 32gb. "It's better to have and not need , than to need and not have". Four years is a long time....SMILE


Oct 2, 2013
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Congrats! If you want the fingerprint scanner, get the 5s. If not, the 5c is a great phone. My wife loves hers. Storage capacity is up to you. It sounds as though 16 gb is enough. But you may can get a 32 gb 5c at a good price. You don't mention your carrier. They may have a deal.

Sent from from my iPhone 5


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
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Both phones are good. The specs on the 5S are better. I personally love the fingerprint scanner. I wouldn't go less than 32gigs. Apps keep getting bigger and needs change all the time.


Feb 20, 2014
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If you have doubts, always take the bigger one. It can't hurt to have unused space, the other way around is far worse. In your case, take a 32 5s


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
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Congratulations! It sucks that your phone was stolen on your big day. I'm with everyone else, if you're keeping it for a while go with a 32gb 5s because of the upgraded chip in it. All the future iPhones will have it.

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